Avoid These 3 Common Juicing Mistakes
September 12, 2014 | Author: Susan Silberstein PhD
Whether you are juicing to maintain general health, to prevent cancer, or to help reverse diagnosed disease, you want to make sure you get the most out of your investment of time, energy and money. Don’t waste your precious resources by not doing things correctly. There are three caveats you should know about.
Although there are some excellent pulverizing systems on the market such as the NutriBullet and the Vitamix, true juicing separates the liquid from the fiber. All of the above are good ways to optimize your nutritional intake, but this article is specifically about juicing.
Through my experience providing nutritional counseling to nearly 30,000 cancer patients over the last 35 years, I have observed rather amazing results with patients who have begun drinking freshly extracted vegetable juices. Some of my patients given months, weeks, and, in a few cases, days to live have fully recovered on expressed raw juices, part of a therapeutic regimen championed by numerous practitioners for decades.
Juicing provides the body with a multiplicity of benefits from thousands of concentrated phytonutrients, including, among other factors, high electrolyte water, enzymes, carotenoids, and antioxidants. These elements help cleanse the liver and kidneys (pivotal in cancer recovery), neutralize cancer-causing free radicals, enhance immune function, and create an alkaline milieu in the body, which antidotes the acidosis in which cancer cells thrive.
But make sure you avoid these three common juicing mistakes:
1. Juicing too much too fast. The body WILL respond to juicing, but sometimes it can thank you in some uncomfortable and even dangerous ways. Juicing stimulates the body to make exchanges that can release dangerous amounts of toxins into the blood stream, toxins that the body’s eliminatory organs cannot always handle efficiently as they get released from storage. Therefore, juices should be introduced gradually, especially for persons who have a history of poor quality diets and / or medical treatments. I have seen hives, headache, fever, nausea, diarrhea and swollen glands appear after a short time on intense juicing regimens. These symptoms of toxic overburden are uncomfortable, confusing, and often misinterpreted as an allergy, a virus, or even cancer spread. In some cases, patients who decide to suddenly give up chemotherapy for heavy juicing actually autointoxicate and die. So if you are new to juicing, start slowly — maybe four ounces per day for a week, increasing by four ounces daily for subsequent weeks, up to 32 ounces or more per day. Learn to listen to your body. Our experienced counselors can help you pace yourself and protect yourself.
2. Sugar spiking. True juice extracting removes all the fiber. That is a good thing, because expressed juices can enter the human blood stream very quickly, by-passing the digestive tract and sparing much energy for healing. However, do not drink juiced fruits, only blended fruits with the fiber intact. Fruit juices, and even large amounts of extracted carrot or beet juice, can cause major sugar spiking. High sugar is cancer’s friend, so even though these juices provide excellent sources of concentrated nutrition, you should limit them. It is best to combine carrot and beet juice with other green juices, wit emphasis on the green.
3. Drinking juices with meals. This is a good idea only if you suffer from hypo- or hyperglycemia (diabetes), in which fluctuating blood sugar levels become extreme. In that case, consuming juices with a meal to slow down their absorption is recommended. Otherwise, compromising absorption (and compromising digestion by diluting digestive enzymes) is exactly what you do NOT want to do. Since you have spent all that effort to separate the juice from the fiber, consuming juices with a meal will tie up the very nutrition you are trying to optimize through the juicing. It is usually best to consume vegetable juices in between meals or no closer to a meal than 30 minutes before.
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- For some great recipes for juices – as well as hundreds of other healthful dishes – see our signature recipe book, Hungry for Health and its vegan sequel Hungrier for Health.
- To learn about a healthful alternative to juicing, get our popular booklet, Vegetable Juices & Cancer Treatment
- For personalized diet coaching, set up an appointment with one of our counselors.
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