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About Us: The Center for Advancement in Cancer Education | BeatCancer.Org

Learn What We Do, Teach, and Believe in…

Center for Advancement in Cancer Education | BeatCancer.Org cancer info graphic

WHY: At The Center for Advancement in Cancer Education | BeatCancer.Org we believe that 90% of all cancers can be eliminated through environmental & lifestyle choices alone, and science agrees. WHAT: Therefore, our mission is to help people by providing research-based education on how to prevent, cope with, and beat cancer through diet, lifestyle and other immune-boosting approaches.

HOW: We deliver Cancer Education in 4 ways:
1) Educational materials for cancer prevention and control.
2) Free individualized counseling for people battling cancer.
3) Health Professional Training / Certification for Doctors and other Health Professionals.
4) Public seminars and conferences for cancer prevention and control.

The BeatCancer Difference:
1) We teach true prevention, not just early detection! “Early Detection” is better than late detection, but it is not the same as prevention.
2) Our programs for diagnosed patients focus on the patient not the tumor!
3) We raise money for education, not research! There are thousands of organizations collecting millions of dollars to find “The Cure”. Prevention is the Cure!