How to Prevent Cancer with 5 Cancer-Fighting Foods
December 20, 2013 | Author: Susan Silberstein PhD
Contrary to popular opinion, early detection is not your best protection. It’s better than late detection, but it doesn’t prevent anything. With a current lifetime cancer risk of one in two, many people wonder if cancer is really preventable. Largely, yes! And by our own diet and lifestyle choices, according to multiple studies. Although there are several lifestyle factors connected to cancer protection, today I want to talk only about food choices.
Scientists from the National Cancer Institute Division of Cancer Prevention have stated that research from several sources provides strong evidence that vegetables, fruits, whole grains, and dietary fiber can protect against a variety of cancers (European Journal of Cancer 37(8), May 2001). Other research has shown that wise dietary choices can actually help prevent the recurrence of cancer.
The good news is that dietary cancer prevention isn’t about what you have to give up – it’s about what you need to include! There are five common cancer fighting foods that anyone can incorporate into his or her diet starting today!
- Eating 2-3 cloves of garlic daily reduces the risk of colon, breast, brain, lung and other cancer
According to studies by biochemist Dr. Richard Beliveau, author of Foods That Fight Cancer, garlic is the top anti-cancer
super food, especially for its ability to activate our body’s Natural Killer cells. Beliveau’s research found that garlic can reverse human cancer
cell growth up to 100%.
- A daily red apple protects against human liver, colon and breast cancer.
The European Prospective Investigation into Cancer and Nutrition (EPIC) study demonstrated that increasing fruits and vegetables by the equivalent of one small apple a day could prevent more than 300,000 cases of cancer worldwide each year (European Journal of Cancer 46, Sept. 2010). Eat the apple skin too! Researchers at Cornell University found that triterpenoid compounds in apple peels contribute to their anti-cancer activity (Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry 55, June 2007).
- Crucifers like broccoli and cabbage help prevent breast, bladder, lung, prostate and other cancers.
This food group contains compounds that can neutralize
dangerous hormones and cancer-causing chemicals in a matter of days. In 2008, for example, researchers at Roswell Park Cancer Institute found up to a 50% lower chance of developing lung cancer among those men who ate the most cruciferous vegetables.
- High fiber diets protect against colon, lymphoma, breast and prostate cancers.
High fiber foods like fresh fruit, vegetables, whole grains, seeds, nuts, beans and legumes protect us by binding up and escorting out chemicals and hormones
that promote cancer. According to the Mayo Clinic, a recommended daily fiber intake of 30-50 grams is pretty simple:
1 cup of raspberries, 1 cup of whole grain spaghetti, 1 cup of lentils or beans, ¼ cup of sunflower seeds, and 1 oat bran muffin will do! (
- Ground flaxseeds help slow the growth of prostate and breast cancer.
There are many more cancer-fighting foods and other important lifestyle factors to consider when trying to prevent cancer, but including these five cancer-fighting foods in your daily routine will give you a terrific head start. For simple recipe ideas, check out my books Hungry for Health and Hungrier for Health. They make great gifts!
As David Servan-Schreiber, MD, PhD, wrote in his landmark book Anti-Cancer in 2009,
“Every day, at every meal, we can choose food that will defend our bodies against the invasion of cancer.”
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