A Message from Susan Silberstein
March 20, 2018 | Author: BeatCancer.Org
To my patients, professional colleagues and friends,
Thank you so much for your expressions of concern and well wishes. I am sorry that I took so long to acknowledge them, but they have been truly appreciated.I realize that many of you have been frustrated and disappointed that your emails, phone messages, and letters to me have gone unanswered for several months.I assure you, my long silence has disturbed me more than you know, and no one has been more disappointed and frustrated than I.Finally, I am able to put my thoughts into words.
As some of you may know, last August I had a bad fall just before leaving for the airport to lecture in Houston and had to cancel my trip. In fact, the entire past year has been an extremely difficult one for me, compounded with a shocking family tragedy and multiple injuries that left me physically and emotionally traumatized.To those of you who have reached out to me with calls and cards and donations in my honor, I wish to express my sincere and deep felt gratitude.To all of you who were counting on me to lecture, counsel, and collaborate, please forgive me.
Wishing always to serve others in their time of need, I have nonetheless been forced to focus on myself and take an unanticipated leave of absence from work. And although I had hoped to return quickly to the mission that has defined me for 40 years, I have now come to realize that the amount of time and effort still needed for healing is much more than I anticipated, and I am still unable to return to work. With your continued support I am confident that our able office staff, the many cancer coaches I have trained all over the world, and all of you who love our mission and want to see it continue will carry the banner forward. I wish you all peace and health in 2018.
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