BC-015: Dr. Susan Silberstein interviews 13-year stage III colon cancer survivor and ChrisBeatCancer creator Chris Wark
February 4, 2016 | Author: Susan Silberstein PhD
In 2003, at age 26, Chris Wark was diagnosed with stage IIIC adenocarcinoma of the colon, an invasive cancer involving several regional lymph nodes. After one-third of his colon was surgically removed, Chris learned that he had a 28% chance of surviving five years and that his expected recurrence risk was 100% within four years. Chris refused the recommended chemotherapy and instead turned to nutrition and natural therapies. Today he enjoys perfect health and educates people worldwide on nutrition and natural therapies through his blog site ChrisBeatCancer.com.
Join us for this podcast, and hear
- What Chris learned about chemotherapy and why he refused it
- The amazing way that Chris ‘ prayers were answered
- What Chris believes caused his disease
- Some of Chris’ favorite natural therapies
- Why taking nutritional supplements is not always the right path
- How to achieve your best chance of getting well
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