BC-026 Susan Silberstein interviews Jackie Roberge on the Concepts of Cancer Shift and Cancer as a Messenger
February 2, 2017 | Author: BeatCancer.org
Jackie Roberge is a Certified Holistic Cancer Coach through BeatCancer.org and creator of her own CancerShift coaching program. She is also a certified Life Purpose Coach and certified Yoga Instructor. For over 22 years, she has been practicing and teaching yoga and Transcendental Meditation (TM). Jackie specializes in and is passionate about working with cancer patients. She has created and led an eight-week yoga program for breast cancer patients at a Montreal hospital and has been leading small group workshops and teaching courses at the West Island Cancer Wellness Centre for the past six years. During that time, she has positively touched the lives of hundreds of cancer patients. Jackie has developed over 10 different guided meditations and visualizations, many specifically for cancer patients.
Check out Jackie’s special Meditation Package for Cancer Patients. This bundle has 7 different meditations, including Pre-Surgery Meditation, Meditation During Surgery, Immune Booster Meditation, Chemo Meditation, Deep Healing, Sweet Dreams Sleep Meditation, and Mini-Meditation. It also features an e-book on the benefits of meditation and visualization as well as guidelines on how to start your own daily meditation practice. Normally priced at $19.97, it is available for a special BeatCancer.org discount of $5 if you use the coupon code BCmeditate (all one word). Order
Listen to Jackie’s interview and learn:
- the key physical, emotional and spiritual benefits of meditation
- what do cancer and pain have in common
- the two most important messages that cancer usually brings
- the top non-nutrient that boosts your immune system
- three reasons fear is dangerous for cancer patients and what to do about it
- the most important questions to ask when you are diagnosed with cancer
- why cancer can be your greatest teacher
- how to find the hidden gift in a cancer diagnosis
Last October, I wrote about Jackie’s live course Cancer: Friend, Foe or Messenger, and I’m delighted to tell you that her course is now online, on demand, self-paced and much less expensive! It’s also one of the most important steps any cancer patient can take.
Sign up for Jackie’s e-course and learn how to shift:
- From seeing cancer as a life-threatening disease you want to get rid of at all costs to a potentially life-enhancing experience for which you are grateful
- From fear and anxiety to acceptance and empowerment
- From anger and frustration to peace, non-judgment and curiosity
- From thinking your body has let you down to trusting its wisdom and healing power
- From pleasing others to listening to and voicing your own needs
- From being hard on yourself to being self-loving and self-nurturing
- From treating cancer as the enemy to seeing cancer as a welcome messenger
- From feeling sad and discouraged to discovering what makes you passionate and ignites your spirit!
Take this course and gain:
- A completely different view of your cancer and an understanding of why it appeared in your life
- Confidence that you are taking important steps to facilitate deep & lasting healing
- Empowerment – knowing that you are making a difference everyday in terms of your healing
- Ability to listen to your body and respond to its call for attention
- Insight into the personality profiles of cancer survivors versus cancer thrivers
- Understanding of the most detrimental types of stress and how to avoid them
- Ability to love yourself and put your needs first – without feeling guilty!
- More passion, energy and inspiration to create a vibrant, dynamic, fulfilling life
The introductory course price is only $297, minus a special BeatCancer discount of $50. Register here and
enter coupon code beatcancer.
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