BC-080 Intro to a Coach: Janice Amirault from debilitating illness to vibrant health via holistic methods
September 29, 2021 | Author: BeatCancer.org
Janice Amirault is a Registered Holistic Nutritional Consultant and Holistic Cancer Coach.
Her interest in wellness and healthy food preparation stems from her own personal wellness journey; one that took her from debilitating illness to vibrant health via holistic methods. She became living proof that lifestyle choices can determine the outcome of our health and, therefore, our future.
Janice believes in getting to the root of the health problem, not just covering it up. Science has proven that over 90% of illness and disease can be eliminated through environmental and lifestyle choices alone. With her strategy of implementing lifestyle protocols, Janice’s clients achieve amazing results.
Janice is a contributing author to the book Saved By Nutrition. This ground-breaking publication features over 20 Holistic Nutritionists and Nutritional Consultants from across Canada, who share their exceptional health stories of how nutrition saved them. You will be mesmerized at how each person defined their unique health issue and how they were able to overcome incredible odds on a journey to improved health.
Listen to this podcast to learn about Janice’s philosophy and the healing modalities she uses to help her clients!
0.58 About Janice
1.59 About her Modalities: She takes a holistic approach to getting well for her cancer patients, and she provides nutritional help for clients who see her for a variety of illnesses.
2:44 She helps patients with sugar addictions and believes it is the root cause of many conditions, including cancer.
4:55 Why Janice got started on her own health journey. The medical system told her she was fatigued because she was lazy. She just needed to exercise more. There was nothing they could do for her. She felt if she did not do more for her health, she would end up in a wheelchair. So, she sought out a holistic practitioner and her journey back to health began. While she was working on her health, she lost both of her parents to cancer.
8:35 Following the right path and avoiding the wrong path can bring you back to health.
8:59 It’s not just food, but also habits that may need to be changed.
9:31 Seeing results motivate you to keep moving forward.
9:53 Every cell in your body is replaced every seven years.
10:31 What attracted Janice to beatcancer.org and why did she become a coach? Janice faced her own cancer while doing her nutritional consultant studies. She said “I’m going to beat this” and she did. Once she did that, and realized what was possible, she wanted to get some type of certification that would allow her to help people with cancer. She wanted to help people who don’t even know they have options and choices.
16:14 The aspect of the beatcancer.org course that she was very happy to see being taught was the psycho-spiritual connection to illness and disease.
19:00 Pay attention to smaller things, like high cholesterol and high blood pressure, before those things become more challenging issues. Even though these things may be common, they are not normal, and they are a sign from the body that something is wrong.
20:33 Practice prevention to avert the unknown.
22:00 Society has us accepting that taking medication is the norm, that nothing else can be done.
22:49 You have a choice – you can choose to stay unhealthy or take steps to get better.
25:06 It would be a great paradigm shift if, when parents took a kid to McDonalds, they would say, “Hey, why are you taking me here, do you hate me?”
26:20 Children of overweight parents have an 80% chance of being overweight themselves. Children who are getting good nutrition are doing better in school and life. Parents need education about nutrition.
28:25 Young people are getting cancer that used to be reserved for old people. 90% of disease can be eliminated through environmental and lifestyle choices. Only 5-10% of cancers come from your genes. The rest are within your control.
29:24 If your body is healthy, it can detox itself and naturally take care of many environmental attacks.
30:42 Janice shares a healing success story based on one of her clients.
33:36 Janice’s philosophy is “Your health is in your own hands”.
36:50 Conventional doctors treat the symptoms but not the whole person. We help people get their bodies in the best possible state of healing themselves.
37:41 Janice published Saved By Nutrition book. The book shows what can be done when our health is in our own hands. Learn everything you can, then make a decision.
39:16 You don’t have to be a victim. You can be an active participant in your healing.
39:35 Illness can be a gift. If we pay attention, we can achieve better health than ever imagined through mind, body, and spirit.
41:53 How to find Janice
Janice offers a free introductory call. And, you can grab 15 sugar-free breakfast recipes from her website.
43:47 The Complete Dictionary of Ailments and Diseases. This book provides a list of the root cause of ailments and disease.