INTRO TO A COACH: Holly Knudson
June 10, 2020 | Author: Holly Knudson
My name is Holly Knudson. I’m a Functional Diagnostic Health Practitioner (FDN) and Holistic Cancer Coach. As a cancer support educator and consultant, I offer a holistic program that focuses on disease prevention and immune-system fortification so the body can do what it does best – heal, repair, and detoxify.
Since we are holistic beings, the protocols focus on all areas of heath, including mind, body, and spirit. Nutritional therapy, supplemental support, emotional and physical detox, and environmental clean-up are all aspects integral to healing. I believe that each of us has powerful healing forces within us, that when harnessed, promote optimal health. There is so much hope when it comes to cancer. The journey to wellness, is not only one of hope, but of enlightenment and empowerment.
I do in-home coaching and virtual coaching via Skype to discuss individualized healing modalities and alternative therapies that will best support the structure and function of the immune system. Everything we do for our health tips the scales in our favor. I work together with clients to formulate a plan that best supports the healing powers of the body. Two heads our better than one when it comes to showing cancer who’s boss.