INTRO TO A COACH: Missie Mellen, RN, BSN
April 23, 2018 | Author: BeatCancer.Org
I teach Natural and Complementary health tools for wellness and for cancer care. I am an RN, Cancer Coach and Healing Touch Reiki teacher. My experiences in surgery, recovery and pain management enhance my practice today. In 2006, I suffered a back strain while performing patient care. After trying conventional methodsfor two years without any benefit; I studied and sought the safest, most beneficial health tools for our body’s health. My focus today is sharing the health tools that significantly helped me. Pure essential oils, Biomat and Healing Touch Reiki build the body up from the inside out to improve health, well-being and help you to feel vital every day. As a cancer educator, I teach the safe, proven and effective complementary therapies to fill in the gaps and complement one’s existing cancer care. I delight in helping others and empowering them to take an active role in their care. I especially find joy in equipping others with methods to use in the comfort of home.