Longevity Coach & Nutraceutical/Toxin Free Personal Care Products
Manufacturer’s Rep
Bobbie Sea Siegel is a passionate advocate for health, wellness, and
longevity, drawing from her own transformative journey overcoming health
and lifestyle challenges. She is certified in Nutrition and Cancer Prevention
by BeatCancer.org.
As a teenager Bobbie dreamed of pursuing a life in the medical profession.
She pictured herself helping people while working in a hospital. But
financial circumstances made pursuit of this career choice an impossibility
at the time. So her immediate goal was to find a way to earn good money.
This goal was realized through the unique route of becoming one of the
very few professional female drummers in the country.
While playing drums in New York City, she took modeling courses, including skin care
techniques, in an effort to better present herself. Then her priority became
raising a family while working as a commercial artist and opening her own
interior design company. In 2017, her husband, Barry, was coaxed out of
retirement to become a manufacturer’s rep for a company that produced
state of the art nutraceuticals and toxin free personal care products. Bobbie
was skeptical and took some samples of the products to her good friend
who was an MD and PhD Naturopath. The MD/Naturopath not only gave
the products rave reviews, but he started buying in bulk. At the time Bobbie
was experiencing serious health issues, so she decided to try some of the
products. Her health improved so dramatically that she decided to educate
herself and spread the word about preventative medicine. Bobbie proudly
states today that “my goal went from helping people as a volunteer in a
hospital, to keeping people out of the hospital.” So, at the age of 77,
Bobbie has indeed become an advocate and role model for those seeking
to thrive in their second half of life.
My mom was always ill. My dad was always working. My brother was
always bullying me. There wasn’t enough food to go around. The walls and
windows were orange from nicotine and my mom’s chain smoking made
the air in the small house toxic. It really wasn’t a surprise when I stood by at
the hospital hopelessly as I watched my mom die from lung cancer.
Between constant exposure to cigarettes in my home growing up, to
playing drums 6 nights per week in smoke filled NYC night clubs……how
long did I have before following in my mom’s footsteps?
I never smoked cigarettes myself, but the constant exposure to second
hand smoke gave me adult onset asthma. And every year I’d go through
bouts of flu, sore throats and bronchitis. Fifteen years of steroids,
antibiotics and allergy shots didn’t help the situation. I couldn’t go anywhere
without making sure that my inhaler and EpiPen were handy. Several
times, I was sure I wouldn’t be able to catch my own breath.
Finally my worst fears were nearly realized in 2017. I was sick and getting
sicker. I lost 15 pounds….15% of my weight at the time within a 3 month
period. Terrible coughing, wheezing, gasping, choking. We had to go to the
emergency room three times. On the last emergency room visit, they took
X-rays and I was sure I had what they thought I had…the big C!
I lay there for hours waiting to hear my fate. And then a young doctor came
in the room with a big smile on his face…”Your lungs are beautiful” he
proclaimed. I was so grateful that I made up my mind to take control of my
health, starting with taking appropriate products my husband was
distributing. Then my goal would be to learn everything I could, and to pass
on this information to others seeking to thrive in the second half of their
What Are My Credentials?
Who am I to coach people on how to thrive during the second half of their
lives? Yes, I am certified in Nutrition and Cancer Prevention by
BeatCancer.org. No, I’m not a doctor, nor a scientist, nor a pharmacist. I’m
not even a professional researcher. Why should you listen to me? Well I’m
a unique combination of three things. I’m a “VULTURE!” That’s right, I dig
up all the stuff that the powers that be don’t want you to see….and I devour
the information. The information comes from the greatest and most brilliant
doctors and scientists in the world. Then I become a “Parrot.” I simply
repeat what I have learned from the experts and present it to my audience.
Finally I become a “LAB RAT” because I’m not going to recommend to my
audience anything that I haven’t tried myself. After going through this
process for about 8 years, I’ve decided to spread the word through various
online resources as well as performances of an original educational
musical comedy. Entitled “Beat The Clock.” I’ve learned that a major factor
that allows one to thrive during the second half of life is the discovery of
your purpose. Helping others, regardless of their backgrounds, thrive
during the second half of life through discovery of my formulae has become
my purpose!