Body Code Practitioner
Holistic Cancer Coach
Completed Young Living Essential Oils Seminars
I am a mother of 5 children and grandmother of 7, with many experiences. I have always love helping people to get through struggles in their lives, as I have had many myself. I have leaned on my faith and it has always helped me along my journey.
I have always had an interest in cancer after seeing people go through some devastating symptoms from treatments. I have been researching for many years. I was asked to join the team in Sanoviv Medical Clinic in Mexico and I found most cancer patients that have had emotional shock or a traumatic event in their life previously to their Dx. I was privileged to do Body Code Sessions with the patients to release the trapped emotions and negative trauma energy that had contributed to the cause of their cancer. Science has now proven that this therapy can help and may even reverse the stages of progression.
Several years later I got Dx. with cancer. I thought this has to be a joke. I was one of those people, why me? I later realized I needed to experience this dreadful disease and go through this myself.
I treated myself naturally by-passing conventional cancer treatment protocols. My knowledge base had greatly increased once I became a patient rather than a caregiver. I then realized it was my calling to be a cancer coach giving options for solutions and treatments.
Emotional Healing and Cancer
When patients suppress emotions due to traumatic events or experience chronic exposure to stressors, the biological responses of fear, anxiety, and depression can become prolonged and heightened in the physical body, leaving us more susceptible to disease. Body Code Sessions allows us to identify these heavy life stressors and release them from the body so that the body can rebalance and begin the healing process.
What to expect from Cancer Coaching
As a cancer coach I can offer Clients and caregivers a secure, private, and kind environment in which I can help you with your feelings and thoughts about (or around) cancer.  I can serve as a mentor. I have assisted Clients with goal setting, decision-making, and coping. Also, helping to enhance self-management and awareness of the diagnosis. I offer Body Code Sessions to release trapped emotions, negative statements and negative beliefs that may have contributed to your cancer Dx. This may help to enhance positive results, including increased survival rates, decreased side effects, and better life quality.