Jayne Donato Dempsey


FOUNDER AND CEO of Butterfly Pathways To Soaring Success
FOUNDER AND CEO OF Peace Zone Enterprises.


Hi! I'm Jayne Donato Dempsey - Certified Holistic Cancer Coach Through BeatCancer.org and CEO of Butterfly Pathways To Soaring Success

My life has been a roller coaster of events that gives me all the experiences to help you today.

To be more accurate, my own life has been a growing process from Cocoon to Butterfly - and now I want to help you to do the same, through a series of coaching sessions, so that you can create your own "Butterfly Pathways" -  to attain the heights of YOUR OWN "Soaring Success."

On June 24, 2024, my husband, Michael Dempsey, died from complications around Chronic Myelogenous Leukemia (CML). My previous husband, Stephen Milak, died in 1982, from the same rare form of leukemia. From 1980 until now, I've been phenomenally guided and educated through the organization called Center for the Advancement of Cancer Education, (CACE), with the web site - https://beatcancer.org/about/,  the same organization that I now represent as a Certified. Holistic Cancer Coach. With this kind of leukemia, there are no symptoms. However, if and when it goes to the acute stage, the prognosis is six weeks of life. Strangely enough, it was that way when Stephen got CML in 1981, – and the same prognosis today. Stephen’s leukemia went acute in 7 months. With the help of the founder of CACE, Susan Silberstein, and all the referrals and guidance she provided, Stephen lived a quality of life for more than one year after he went acute –

In 2013, my husband, Michael Dempsey, was diagnosed with the same rare form of leukemia. Of course, my first reaction was, “Are you serious, God???? Did I miss a meeting???” However, I quickly “stepped up to the plate,” and again went back to Susan Silberstein at CACE – and BeatCancer.org was there for me every step of the way. Together, we chose our way of Michael’s path – and worked with a team of MDs at Jefferson’s Allopathic Oncology Department, Jefferson’s Division of Integrative Medicine called Marcus Institute, and all Michael’s other doctors Cooper Health System. We worked as an incredible team together, and I learned how to become Michael’s Advocate, to learn how to weave through the complicated medical system with intricate involvement myself, to be his Caregiver and the love of his life – as he was mine, and how to survive myself. LOVE is the most powerful tool that we have. With all of this teamwork, Michael’s leukemia never went acute, but he suffered 2 heart attacks, 5 strokes, and complications from surgery. Michael lived a quality of life for many, many years past what was expected by the professional staff. I was – and am – very strong about, “Unless you have a note from God, I don’t want to hear prognosis of when he might die.” Every doctor respected my wish, but now are telling me that they were all astounded at how much longer he lived than expected.

Michael's death has been devastating, giving me only two choices in life - to mentally die with Michael - or to move on to create a new life. I've made the conscious decision to go forward, using all of my experiences in life to help other people, including YOU, with holistic cancer coaching, caregiver coaching, relationship coaching, and spiritual coaching. ​I will tell you that the CEO of BeatCancer.org, Carl Wagner, and the COO, Zakariya Frank, were the ones that lifted me up, had incredible empathy, and encouraged me to move on  - and here I am – ready to help you – to channel my experiences into the most productive way possible.​

Here are the services that I offer to you:

Holistic Cancer Coaching - Through BeatCancer.org, I've become certified as a Holistic Cancer Coach. If you - or your loved one - are diagnosed with cancer, there are so many choices that you need to be aware of. Holistic Cancer Coaching takes in the full person, with amazing tools in going forward with HOPE, with or without today's regimen of chemo, radiation, and surgery - and in conjunction with your personal physicians. What kind of "Power Wheel" is available to you to heal your body from within? How can you learn to be your own advocate and be an integral part of the health care system? How can you access all the incredible tools provided within wwwBeatCancer.org - an organization helping thousands of people since the 1970's? How can you prevent cancer for you and your family? I am here to guide you every step of the way - with personal experience from two husbands who died of leukemia. I am here to empower you and guide you. Start now, by visiting the BeatCancer.org web site, https://beatcancer.org/about/ -and let me guide you through personal sessions.

And also -

Caregiver Coaching,

Relationship Coaching,

and Spiritual Coaching.

"Why so many kinds of coaching?" you might ask. The answer is because they all go together, and I have experience and expertise to help you with every single one of them.

Before meeting Stephen, in 1978, I was divorced and went through the ups and downs of that significant life change - and the challenge of raising two children on my own. After Stephen died, I then raised three children on my own - and went through 15 years of the wonderful "dating game," and actually came up with a formula for successful relationships. My children - Louis, Veronica, and Nicholas - are my Total Joy, and I thank God that each of them was born to me and now - I thoroughly adore and thank God for my grandchildren. When I married Michael, I accepted his children as my own, Mike and Molly, and embraced their children as my grandchildren - and thank God for them as well. Through it all, I experienced how to put a blended family into ONE family. In between both marriages, my father died. Right before he did, he cried to me - one of only three times I ever saw him cry. "What's going to happen to your mother? She doesn't drive. She coughs at night. She's totally dependent on me. What will happen when I'm gone?" For me, there was only one decision, "I got this Dad. I'll take care of Mama for the rest of her life," and I did. Hence, I also have the experience of what we now call "the sandwich generation," caring for a parent, while also taking care of our children. Mine was even trickier, because it started when I was still a widow.

As with my other choices, I can now look back and cherish every minute - every memory - of my loved ones that I said, "Yes" to the directive of God  - asking me to take care of them. That's the feeling I want to help you to have. At the end of the day - at the moment of death - there's no time to make decisions of IF we can help - or not. Death teaches us that those decisions must be made long before - knowing that death may come at any time. If we choose to let it, death gives us that wisdom – to love and “be there” for our loved ones WHEN THEY’RE ALIVE.

Throughout everything, the foundation of my being is and has been.... deeply spiritual - not religious, spiritual. Going through life together with the Divine is a powerful and - as I believe - a necessary part of life - not rules and regulations, but through walking with the power of the Divine, Gods and Goddesses, or Higher Power, or The Path of Enlightenment - every minute of every day. I wanted to learn about all spiritual paths and to attain the credentials to help people find their own way towards the path to their Divine, or Higher Power. I believe that all belief systems are to be respected. Consequently, I went to The New Seminary in New York City, to become an Ordained Inter-Faith Minister, where I minister to people "where they are," rather than conforming to any particular belief system. Therefore, I can offer to help you in your spiritual journey, so that you can find what's right and good for you. ​​​

I add those credentials to my education as a graduate of Holy Family University and continuing education through Rowan University. My professional career has been in teaching, private industry, and various government positions. In addition, I created a brained based, enhanced social emotional learning environment within a peaceful program called The Peace Zone and have been The CEO of Peace Zone Enterprises - to add the ability of creating a healthy school and home environment from early childhood on. This combination of coaching and Peace Zone Enterprises gives me the opportunity to create a better tomorrow for children and adults.​


Through a series of coaching sessions, I Will Show YOU How to Create YOUR "BUTTERFLY PATHWAYS"  - so that YOU can attain YOUR "SOARING SUCCESS!!!”


PLEASE CALL ME AT: 856-229-0888




Or visit:  https://www.butterflypathwaystosoaringsuccess.com/





  • 2006 & 2009: Certificates of Appreciation: Mainland American Legion Auxiliary Unit 81
  • 2006 & 2009: Certificate of Accomplishment: Pleasantville Public Schools
  • 1994 Camden County Commission on Women Award
  • Inter-Group Relations 1994 Outstanding Dedication Award
  • NJEA Red Carpet Gala in Honor of Creation and Implementation of Peace Zone Program


Jayne on The Zakariya Frank Show


Author of Peace Zone Manuals:

  •  “Welcome To The Peace Zone” by Jayne Milak-Dempsey
  • Welcome to The Peace Zone for Teachers,” by Jayne Milak-Dempsey
  •  “Bienvenido a La Zona De Paz,” by Jayne Milak-Dempsey
  • “Bienvenido a La Zona De Paz Edicion De Maestra,” by Jayne Milak-Dempsey
  • “Welcome To The Peace Zone for Early Learners,” by Jayne Donato Dempsey
  •  “Welcome to The Peace Zone At Home.” By Jayne Donato Dempsey
  • “Who Is Jesus?” by Reverend Jayne Donato Dempsey
  • All books available on https://www.lulu.com/shop
  • Author of Article “Breath In The Peace Zone” Published in “NJEA Review” Magazine March, 2017


  • BA  - Holy Family University
  • Inter-Faith Minister Ordination from The New Seminary, NY
  • Holistic Cancer Coach from BeatCancer.org
  • Life Coach Certification IAPCC
  • Psychology Graduate Courses - Rowan University
  • Education Certifications in the Following:
  • Language Arts, Social studies, Elementary Education
  • Master Instructor - Integrated Energy Therapy
  • Reiki Level 1 and 2

Picture Gallery

  • Camden County Commission on Women

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