Company: Progressive Total Body Health
I began my journey into alternative medicine after my sister was diagnosed with Ocular Melanoma. I was so very fortunate to be with her the last two weeks of her life where she informed me that there are other treatments and cures for cancers in other countries but are not allowed in the U.S. She was a pharmacist for over 20 years and actually said to me, “my profession killed me.” I was devastated to hear her say that. I asked her why she felt that way. She told me about big pharmaceutical companies, their owners/CEO’s/Presidents, and how those power players are the ones working with the FDA. These other treatments or cures would take money out of big pharma pockets!! She became a pharmacist so she could help people get better and found that once she became a patient herself how “the system” works. It is not for the betterment of the patient but rather the wallets of big pharmaceutical companies who run the FDA. I was disgusted!
Naturally this life event had me asking myself a lot of questions. I kept coming back to alternative treatments or more natural treatments for illnesses. My sister's passing had me looking at my childhood, my Grandparents and Great Grandparents. What did my parents do for me when I was sick or injured? What did my Grandparents and Great Grandparents do when they became sick or injured? Why did we move away from their modalities? I remember stepping on a bee when I was about 5 years old. My Mother crushed and wet tobacco and applied it to my bee sting. Instantly, the pain was gone, and I healed quickly.
Later I had an extreme sore throat. My grandmother told me to gargle with warm salt water. It instantly made it feel so much better. When I had a tooth pulled and the gum would not stop bleeding, my grandmother dampened a tea bag and told me to bite on it to stop the bleeding. This too worked fabulously. My grandparents and great grandparents ate plenty of fruits and vegetables, took supplements daily, and did not start having significant health issues until in their late 60’s or early 70’s. So why did we get away from natural medicine and over to pharmaceuticals? I now want to go back to basic health modalities of nutrition, vitamins, minerals, herbals, and physical movement to assist others with gaining optimal health. The "old" ways worked before and they still work today.
Also, because of my experience with loved ones having cancer, I want to work with people who are taking on this monumental battle as well as their caregivers. I want to make sure that they are educated and supported through this process. There seems to be this "just do what I tell you to" thought process with physicians that just is not enough for many people. I believe that when a person is fully educated on what they are dealing with then they can make the choices that are right for them. This needs to be done with care and compassion not only for the patent but also for their caregiver/support system. Together, patients CAN succeed and win the fight with cancer!