Natwalee (Natalie) Proenca


Certified Integrative Health Coach with IIN, Certified Holistic Cancer Coach (, Certified in Plant Based Nutrition from eCornell with Dr. T. Colin Campbell, Detoxification program, Green juices & green smoothie for healing, Trained Gerson Therapy, Recovery after cancer treatment

Natalie Proenca conquered breast cancer for over 10 years. Her cancer diagnosis was in 2008 with conventional treatment. Then a few years later she had tumors in ovaries and uterus. Her oncologist confirmed that it was caused by hormonal therapy.  She took this chance and used a natural approach and treated it by changing diet and exercises. 

She has transformed herself using mind-body-spirit and decided to leave her Software Engineer career and was trained as a Cancer Coach with BeatCancer and TrulyHeal, and certified Holistic Integrative Health Coach with IIN. She is also a certified Plant-based Nutrition Graduate at eCornell (with T. Colin Campbell). She's helped many cancer patients recover from the treatments and even help them healed from different types of cancer such as breast cancer, cervical cancer, ovarian cancer, lung cancer, kidney cancer, colon cancer, thyroid cancer, and brain cancer.  She offers online programs; Colon & Kidney Detox and Beat Cancer Naturally. She has a strong passion to guide you to find the best protocol for you to fight cancer and get well.  Connect with her on or email at or 508-282-6698.

Video Gallery

  • how 10 year survivor natalie proenca beat cancer holistically and has grown to be a top cancer coach
  • holistic cancer coach: natalie proenca testimonial