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HELAYNE WALDMAN Beat Cancer Medical Advisory Panel
Nutrition Practitioner, Teacher, Writer and Founder of Turning-the-Tables


Dr. Helayne Waldman, ED.D., M.S., CNE, is a holistic health educator who specializes in providing nutritional support for those with breast cancer. Helayne received her doctorate from the University of San Francisco, her Master’s Degree from the University of Albany, and her certificate in holistic nutrition at Bauman College of Holistic Nutrition. She’s spent the past ten years teaching her clients, her students and the general public about the importance of healthy eating with passion and flair, and recently completed (with Dr. Ed Bauman) the Amazon bestseller, The Whole Food Guide for Breast Cancer Survivors, a guide to living well before and after a cancer diagnosis Dr. Waldman has been teaching for over 25 years — at San Francisco State University, Mills College, St. Mary’s College, Helskinki School of Economics and Business Administration and at Bauman College. She is currently on the faculty of Hawthorn University and at the University of Western States’, Masters program in Human Nutrition and Functional Medicine.

Dr. Waldman has written for several publications and online sites including a regular column for the, as well as the Examiner, Green Medicine Info, the Pink Paper and others, and has spoken and exhibited at conferences nationwide. She is currently a board member with the Annie Appleseed Organization has a private practice for in-person and Skype clients and is a regular presenter for the Cancer Support Community (formerly Gilda’s Club). With Dr. Shani Fox, she is the co-founder of the RENEW: EXPERT CARE AND COACHING FOR CANCER SURVIVORS – the first and only live, interactive, web-based program for cancer survivors. Find her at or on Facebook at Whole Food Guide for Breast Cancer. Interested clients may want to review her practice website at or check out