Family Physicianpppppppppppppp
Philip Getson, D.O. is a Board Certified Family Physician in practice since 1976 in New Jersey. He is an internationally recognized expert in the diagnosis and treatment of Reflex Sympathetic Dystrophy/Complex Regional Pain Syndrome and has lectured extensively on the subject.
He is an Assistant Professor of Medicine in Neurology at Drexel University College of Medicine in Philadelphia. Additionally, he completed training for qualification as a Certified Cancer Support Educator from the Center for Advancement in Cancer Education.
Dr. Getson founded Thermographic Diagnostic Imaging (TDI) in 1982. He is a Board Certified Thermologist and has reviewed more than 25,000 Thermographic Studies of the breast, thyroid, dental and neuromuscular system. He has been certified by four Thermographic Boards, has lectured nationally and internationally regarding Thermographic Testing, and has authored several papers on the subject. He has recently completed a three-year term as Vice President of the American Academy of Thermology. Dr. Getson was chairman of the committee responsible for formulating the protocols for breast thermography that have since been accepted by the National and International Thermographic Communities.
TDI believes in honoring the divine feminine with the gentle and very effective modality of thermography for breast health screening. Thermography allows women to maintain their dignity while empowering them to be proactive in their health and wellness concerns.
Thermography utilizes state of the art; FDA approved infrared technology to provide an image of the body’s physiologic responses. It is a totally safe, non-radiologic, non-invasive, painless test without damaging compression and with absolutely no known adverse effects and no contra indications. It is well known that physiology predates anatomy by seven to ten years. Therefore, thermography provides the potential for early intervention of a proactive nature to facilitate the best possible outcomes.
By detecting thermal asymmetry from one side of the body to another, Dr. Getson now has more information with which to render an opinion regarding physiologic changes in the breast not available with anatomic tests such as ultrasound, MRI, or mammography. Additionally, thermography has been shown to be of great benefit in assessing abnormalities of the thyroid, dental and neuromuscular systems.
Dr. Getson has championed the cause of Thermography for many years. He is enthusiastic about the opportunity to provide quality thermographic imaging and interpretation.
Basic Contact Information
Thermographic Diagnostic Imaging (TDI)
Philip Getson, DO Liesha Getson, BCTT, HHC
100 Brick Road, Suite 206 Marlton, NJ 08053
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