Frank A.
December 5, 2024 | Author:February 22, 1993
Dear Susan—
A brief note to tell you how very much my husband, Frank, and I appreciate the Center’s recommendation of Nutritionist Dr. Jim Sparandeo to us.
He has been a God-send to us. We are trying to beat Frank’s liver tumor, and the help Jim has been giving us has been immeasurable. Slowly, he worked us into a program just as it was clear to us. Now we are following his program to the letter and we are seeing a marked improvement. We cannot imagine where we would be if we had followed treatments only. Now we can tolerate them—and are questioning everything.
We found “FACT” in 1983 through a course we took from Barbara G. She introduced us to your newsletter, and I always stayed on your “subscribers’ list,” always passing it on. Now we need it very much and are happy to be still subscribing.
Good luck with your marvelous work. Again, we thank you for your company.