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Kath L.

Kath L.

March 12, 2025 | Author:

October 11, 1995

Dear Susan:

Despite the very stressful week that you had prior to the seminar, you did an outstanding job in your presentation
“Maximizing the Role of the Physical Therapist in Working With the Breast Cancer Population.” The evaluations unanimously claimed that the objectives were met and that they would recommend it to others if it was repeated. When asked to evaluate the individual speakers, the registrants were asked to evaluate them on a scale of 1 to 5, 1 being poor, 3 being average, and 5 being excellent. The majority of your evaluations were average and above. Comments included that it was wonderfully practical information, that they were glad that you were part of it, that you were a wonderful speaker and that it was interesting, organized information. A few people commented that they would have liked more information and more time allotted to your topic, which we will definitely keep in mind for future planning of seminars. I have had a request for additional information, including references to the studies that you cited and a more inclusive list of the foods that you discussed. If you are able to give them to me, I certainly would appreciate it. I also would like some more information on your Center and an application for membership for our office.

I thank you so much for your time and talent in being part of this seminar. I hope that things in your office have settled down and that your life is less stressful.


Kathleen E. L.