Thank you again for the quick response to my phone call. I have always valued your counseling and the wisdom you have passed on to me through the years. Your organization is truly a valuable asset to anyone challenged with cancer.
Please accept this donation so that you may continue to teach families the importance of nutrition and living a healthy lifestyle.
I'm very happy to say that my white cell counts are nearly in the normal range and I am feeling great.
Abundantly blessed,
Pat Silknitter
Pat Silknitter
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Thank you for your in-depth, honest and straight-forward approach to cancer education. Your blog is simple-to-navigate and very informative. I've recommended your counselors several times...and, with great satisfaction, I might add! Your efforts are very inspiring and help me to better understand spreading my message of health and wellness. Well done!
Hamilton Brower
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When I share my story, people say, “gosh, you’re a miracle!” They can’t believe that I move so well on the tennis court (after two hip replacements) and feel so well (after three bouts of metastatic cervical cancer) and stay high-energy through the day.
BeatCancer.org helped me through this life-threatening illness. Dr. Susan Silberstein showed me options: If I chose radiation, how would I cope with the side effects? What nutritional, emotional and lifestyle changes could make a difference? I listened. Best of all, she gave me hope. I’m cancer-free now. (11 years)
Bambi Dudley
Consultants Arts Management
Here’s the Face of a Cancer Survivor!

Bambi Dudley
Bambi D
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Dear Dr. Susan,
I can't thank you enough for taking the time to call me and offer advice. I value your expertise and feel confident following your recommendations.
I am on day 3 of my lymph purge and spoke with Dr. Pamela Howard to set up full body thermagram. Will follow up with you on results.
Thank you for your concern and wisdom. You and your organization are truly a gift to the cancer patient striving to make the right decision.
With all my gratitude,
Pat S
Pat S
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