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11/5/92 Dear Susan, In loving support of all the wonderful work you are doing! With love, Jake

Jacob K.
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To the Center for Advancement in Cancer Education— My husband, James, was a member & greatly inspired by your organization. He was also a patient of James Sparandeo. I would like to continue receiving your publication even though my husband passed away on 11/9/92. I also would like to receive some literature or information on the positive & negative aspects of mammography. Enclosed is a small donation. Keep up the good work! Sincerely, Joan C.  

Joan C.
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10/30/92 Dear Susan: As an expression of my ongoing appreciation for your efforts on behalf of cancer patients, I am enclosing this donation ($10.00). Sincerely yours, Evelyn G.

Evelyn G.
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HERE IS WHAT YOU HAVE BEEN WRITING TO US about our free services:
"Enclosed find a a donation for the fantastic work you do in your cancer education program" (B.A., Phila., PA) "I appreciate your taking the time to talk to me and giving me some options for treatment. You're doing a wonderful service with your organization." (P.O., Ontario, Canada) "I am so impressed by your knowledge, your energy, and your generosity...You are like a candle in the darkness. Your inservice for our nurses was very well received and appreciated. It is important for all of us to know what resources are available..." (C.K., Norristown, PA) "Thanks for being there and giving hope." (S.H.O., Jenkintown, PA) "Many thanks for taking so much of your time to assist me in sorting through my various options...Feeling good, and I'm grateful to have learned about your organization. I am passing the word." (C.G., W. Hempstead, NY) "Enclosed is my check for $25 in appreciation for my good medical reports. I am staying with [my] nutritional diet and feel better for it." (E.G., King of Prussia, PA) "I am writing you this letter to tell much I admire your great courage...Your service to mankind is so valuable." (C.A., Huntington Beach, CA)

Testimonial Compilation 003
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11-29-91 Dear Susan, At this Thanksgiving time, we would like to express our gratitude for being able to attend such a fine workshop last Sunday. All of the speakers were outstanding! We especially enjoyed Larry LeShan & Debbie Frank Org. God bless your efforts for such a worthwhile cause! Sincerely, Ruth R. & Barbara L.

Ruth R. & Barbara L.
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