Oct. 8th
Dear Susan,
Just rec’d my Health News & Views and truly enjoy all the information. I have already sent letters to support Sen. Hatch’s Bill & hope many others will too.
I’m enclosing a check in memory of my mother’s 12th Anniversary — I do miss her so!
The Center is doing such wonderful work & I know you are an inspiration to all you see. Bless you and may the peace of Him you serve be with you.
Mrs. John S.

John S.
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Please accept this contribution in the name of our dearest and very best friend, Art K.
The pain of losing this lifelong friend and the pastor of this fine fellowship who stood beside us is something we won’t easily forget.
But in our time of sadness, we recognize how much you all meant to Art and how much he meant to you. He once wrote to us that the Center became part of his life. He volunteered to help you and we saw the magic he gave in his prayers and the love of giving guidance and hope through Alternative Reception.
From the bottoms of our sad hearts, we want to thank you enough for the love and care you extended to this very special person we all love. We feel it was because of you in part that he lasted as long as he did.
Our thanks and gratitude —
Harris & Peppa H.

Harris & Peppa H.
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Dear Anthony/Susan and the entire staff of TNS,
I am extending a little note of appreciation. Your kindnesses and thoughtfulness went far in expressing the spirit of TNS and sincere commitment to service. Though I am not directly a client of yours, you have become a member of my extended family. You made me feel very welcome, and my visit one to remember… Thank you!
Susan, I commend you for your service to others in their personal time of need. For families caught in the seemingly hopeless despair of cancer, your commitment and concern must be a beacon of hope to comfort this suffering. It speaks volumes toward charity and love for those less fortunate and sets an example all of us should emulate.
V. K., Tupelo, MS

V. K., Tupelo, MS
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Dear Susan,
I am delighted that my brother met you — and filled you in on my progress. I have had a very difficult time for the past eight months, forty-five days in the hospital during the summer.
Much thanks to you for preparing me to the Basilica. He is a good man — so concerned and compassionate. And Jim’s operation was a thoughtful, kind build.
Are you still doing the TA101 programs? If so, to date, it is the best program.
Thank you for all you’ve done to help me!
Sister Rita M.

Sister Rita M.
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Friday, March 5, 1993
Dear Susan,
Thank you so much for talking with me Thursday about my dissatisfaction problems.
I would like you to send me a copy of the book Mending the Body, Mending the Mind.
I am enclosing my gift certificate as part of the cost. Sorry — I don’t remember what the balance is. Please send me a bill, and I will send you a check for the balance.
May God bless you and help you to continue the work you and your organization are doing for people with cancer.
Ethel C. L.

Ethel C. L.
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