October 6, 1992
Dear Susan, Thank you so much for your kind words of encouragement and all the background you sent me this morning. I have followed up with Dr. Block; his associate, Dr. Barbara Prescott, has informed me of the factors that promote fibroid growth: diet, stress, hormones, and genetics. She said that six months of vegetarian diet would show if it be a mitigating factor or not (then, presumably, opt for surgery). The stress angle is natural, she said, and in women under 40 whose uterine fibroids need for child-bearing, the uterus and breasts lie so still the breast fibrocytic disease responds fairly immediately to diet changes and can come or go; uterine fibroid tumors tend to be more intransigent. As of now, she said, due to the complexity of factors, there is no study extant that shows absolute success with any particular hormone or vitamin. She explained that the body gets its signals to synthesize protein into that sort of tissue the body needs according to its DNA, that is, adipose tissue, skin cells, seamen cells, etc. Some fibroids respond genetically to hormone reversals such as pregnancy and/or menopause and others (like mine) do not. Fibroids drugs do respond greatly to a change in diet; some will sit there (solidly insisting on new babies early and often — my words) while others will dissolve completely (I chose the second but biology is convinced Mother nature doesn’t like the latter experience, very fearful business she tells me!). Nonetheless, I have a call in to Dr. Brett. I will follow up with Dr. Block’s office. And I intend to explore both the OT and the NT direction as well. I would be grateful for any additional literature your office can mail later to include, and I would like to add to your future reference base. (I hope the enclosed amount is not too paltry. If you need more for other contact letters, I will be sure to send it!) Susan, with regards, thank you. I felt a window opening, though my discussion with Dr. Prescott seemed rather like a storm door, swinging in the wind, rather intent to close. But I am determined; biology is the test, and your spirit/soul connection is closer than we think. Thanks again. I’ll let you know the outcome when there is one. Peace, sister. Ms. Linda L. C.
Linda L. C.
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Dear Susan,
I did not have the opportunity to speak with you last Thursday evening, but I want to thank you for a very informative evening. I especially want you to know how interesting I found your presentation on patients and your survey results were shared by many in the audience.
You certainly must be commended for all that you have done for cancer patients over the years. You have been performing a wonderful public service and deserve many kudos for the impact you have made on our thoughts about the work and controversy. Bless you for your unselfish devotion to such a tremendously important cause.
Elizabeth T.

Elizabeth T.
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Dear Susan, Thank you for your INFORMATIVE NUTRITION Theory Portion of our weekend on Feb. 26. It was eye-opening and very challenging. Although I don’t have cancer, my husband has been battling w/ Epstein Barr for over a year now, and I am sure the information you brought, along w/ God’s help, will speed up his healing. Thank you for your generosity of your time and knowledge about NUTRITION. Enclosed is a check for $100 — wishes to go to MUIR programs. Thanks
Testimonial 001
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Dear Susan,
Thank you so much for meeting with me last Friday afternoon.
Please know how valuable every second is to you — and I am very appreciative of your time and valuable resources, directions, guidance, & referrals.
Mary Ann W.

Mary Ann W.
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February 22, 1993
Dear Susan—
A brief note to tell you how very much my husband, Frank, and I appreciate the Center’s recommendation of Nutritionist Dr. Jim Sparandeo to us.
He has been a God-send to us. We are trying to beat Frank’s liver tumor, and the help Jim has been giving us has been immeasurable. Slowly, he worked us into a program just as it was clear to us. Now we are following his program to the letter and we are seeing a marked improvement. We cannot imagine where we would be if we had followed treatments only. Now we can tolerate them—and are questioning everything.
We found “FACT” in 1983 through a course we took from Barbara G. She introduced us to your newsletter, and I always stayed on your “subscribers’ list,” always passing it on. Now we need it very much and are happy to be still subscribing.
Good luck with your marvelous work. Again, we thank you for your company.

Frank A.
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