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Dear Susan, Good luck and congratulations on your new organization. Enclosed is a check for $25 (I wish I could send you more). I saw Dr. Gonzalez last month for my 2-year check-up. My cancer count is down another point to 11, and I’m doing fine. I still get tired but nothing too serious. We are all getting close to moving out into the country, which is very exciting. We are in the process of selling the house, etc. right now. We hope to move by the end of October. I will send you a change of address when we move. I hope you are doing OK. Remember to take care of yourself. Happy New Year. Thanks again for your help. Sincerely, Ed F.

Ed F.
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04-29-91 Dear Susan Silberstein, Enclosed, please find my check of $25.00 as a donation of my appreciation for the invaluable source of service that F.A.C.T. has been to me. I wish I could afford to offer more. I hope next year you will be in a better position financially to hold your annual convention. Regards, Barbara P.

Barbara P.
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April 1991 Dr. Susan Silberstein, No amount of money can begin to pay for your guidance and helpful knowledge given to me and other cancer patients. My husband, Jay, and I will be seeing Jim Sparandeo and Dr. John Garofalo this Thursday morning. Please accept this small token of appreciation for your recent time and information. Thank you! Jayne N.

Jayne N.
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May 17, 1991
Dear Susan, Enclosed find patron membership. I am very grateful to you and all I have learned through you & FACT. I am feeling well and am hopeful and optimistic, and this is because of all that I’m doing for myself and my well-being. Many thanks to you. Keep up the good work. Sincerely, Phyllis R.

Phyllis R.
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5-17-91 Greetings: Enclosed is my membership renewal to your wonderful organization. If I were in town that day, I would definitely have signed up for the program on May 23. I’ve recommended to several others. Thank you for being there. Sincerely, Lucille B.

Lucille B.
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