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5-28-91 Dear Susan, Just a note to thank you for referring us to Dr. Cristofalo & Dr. Sparandeo. The diet Dr. Sparandero has us on is great. My husband's blood sugar is becoming better & they have lowered his insulin dose. I'm sure in time they'll have him off insulin altogether. Enclosed a check for FACT, not much - but a small way of thanking you and FACT for the great work you're doing. Thanks again & Bless you. Sincerely, Dorothy H.  

Dorothy H.
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May 9, 1991 Hello Susan! Congratulations on your dedication to the field of cancer education, for the universal sources of both the orthodox and the alternative disciplines. I have observed your actions as you surround persons struggling with a noble effort to correlate all the optimal choices for the benefit of all the healers & fathers to be healed. I shall send my attorneys changes in purpose in my will from FACT to your more legal identity, "The Center Advancement in Cancer Education," if this is now so registered. Advise. Enclosed is my check of $100 for initiatory membership. If I am in town on May 23, I shall attend your seminar that evening at PCOM. I hope your family interest in Michael is planning and giving him the presentation opportunity he is interested in developing a career, and that you are able to try to give him better guidance along the paths of success, which he deserves so very much. Yours sincerely, Dr. M.

Dr. J. J. M.
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April 9, 1991 Dear Dr. Silberstein: This is to let you know that due to work-related circumstances it will not be possible for me to accept a practicum that entails daytime hours during the weekdays. (With new cuts in administrative staff just put into place, management does not think it is in the best interests of our office to have me away from my job the amount of time that would be required to do a day practicum.) For this reason, I wish to cancel the appointment you so kindly set up with me for next week on April 16. May I take this opportunity to say how much I benefited from your Immaculata Workshop, both as a student and personally. Meeting you and having an opportunity to visit was my pleasure and I am appreciative and grateful for your interest, time, and your invitation to join you in your special work at FACT. I am also looking forward to the books on food, and I certainly will share them with others so they can also benefit from the information. Thank you again for the opportunity and for the informative and instructive workshop at Immaculata. Sincerely, Rosemarie R. G.  

Rosemarie R. G.
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June 30th, 91 Hi, Enclosed is a money order of $5. for my membership to your organization. Congratulations for your work and efforts. Lisa P.

Lisa P.
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September 22, 1992 Dear Sirs: I’ve recently seen a copy of your newsletter, HEALTH NEWS AND VIEWS. I would appreciate being put on your mailing list. I would appreciate a catalog about your publications and other services. I’m specifically interested in any reprints of the symposiums you’ve had such as the one on Preventing Breast Cancer held on May 14th and another, Surviving Prostatic Cancer of June 11th. Sincerely yours, Glenn A. W.

Glenn W.
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