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Dear Friends: Enclosed please find a check for $25.00 to cover the cost of Basic Membership. We are grateful for your organization and wish you continued success. Joyfully in the Lord, Leonore B.  

Leonore B.
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July 16, 1987 Dear Dr. Silberstein, Thank you for the advice you gave me. I appreciate all of your time & effort. Sincerely, [S.B.]

Sandy B.
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9/26/89 I would like to make this contribution to F.A.C.T. in memory of Mrs. Maria B. I wish you all the best with your efforts. Your organization helps to make the world a better place. Bonnie L.

Bonnie L.
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Thurs. Feb 16, 1989 Dear Susan, Enclosed: $5 check for 1 Gonzalez tape. Deep deep thanks for your swift and articulate assistance and Divine Equanimity. I am very excited and optimistic. 💕 Kathryn A.

Kathryn A.
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July 16, 1987
Dear Mrs. Silberstein, Thank you for the honor of being chosen as a Decade of Service winner for my letter of March 3rd. The contest was an afterthought as my letter was primarily written to express gratitude to the people at F.A.C.T. for filling a void in healthcare that had grown in direct proportion to the rise in high-tech medical expansion, which had seemed at times to have difficulty in distinguishing between the person and the machinery. Long live the balance! Many thanks again for the delightful surprise. Truly, D. Dorotheo

D. Dorotheo
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