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This check is a small token of my appreciation for all that Dr. Randy and has done for me in my journey with cancer. Sincerely & Thank you, Ron & Donna V.    

Ron & Donna V.
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Beat Cancer Org, Thank you so much for providing the services you do. Dr. Randi is awesome. She has helped me so much. My whole life has changed because of you all. I hope you will continue to keep doing what you do. Thank you so much, Suzan S.

Suzan S.
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July 6, 2019 To: Thank you for your work. This contribution is from my friend, Maria R. Thank you again. Sincerely, Sarah D. (Please note: I have a different address than Maria R.)

Sarah D.
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Oct. 5, 2020 Hello Dr. Shayne, I want to thank you for all the "nuggets" of healthy eating for my health and well-being. I feel, after only a couple of months, like I'm "39" again! From you and other sources, and of course my daughter, I have a new lifestyle of eating, walking, and a stress-free life. My Creator has guided me in "His" direction again for my destiny. You have been so helpful to me and I know many others. Again, thank you!!! Dan W.

Dan W.
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16th August 1990
To: Dr. Susan Silberstein
Having just received your welcome August 1990 issue of the F.A.C.T. Newsletter, I am writing this briefly to kindly ask if you could add a friend to your mailing list... Let me add that I value highly the F.A.C.T. foundation, its newsletter, and all the goodwill and work on behalf of others it produces. I only regret being unable to financially support more, but I try where, when, and however possible. Keep up the good work, please. (!) With all sincere thanks, Carolyn S.  

Carolyn S.
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