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March 11, 1991 Please send me a copy of Henry Bieler’s book "Food is Your Best Medicine". Enclosed please find my check for $4.95. [Thank you very much — you have been a great help to me in the past years.] Sincerely, Doris C.  

Doris C.
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Wed, Feb 3 Dear Susan, Thanks so much for our conversation today. It was quite helpful on many levels. I only wish I were in Philadelphia so I could get more involved and learn more. Enclosed is a check for $38 to cover a Basic Membership and a copy of your research related to Diet & Breast Cancer Survival. I’m sure you’ll be hearing from me in the future — and also from my referrals, the first of whom will be a breast cancer cohort, Mary W. Carry on the great work! Warmly, Susan W.

Susan W.
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10/31/90 Dear Susan, We wanted to thank you for "being there" to advise us. Hope the enclosed check will help in some small way to continue your much-needed work. Thanks, again. He'll be in touch. Jim & Natalie

Jim & Natalie
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12/5/90 Dear Susan, Enclosed is my check for $10.00. Please send me the complete packet! I look forward to receiving it. You've been the first ray of hope in this nightmare. Thanks a million — Wendy M.

Wendy M.
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"As a healthy living coach, I am all about educating people about the toxins in our food supply and toiletries, and the powerful healing benefits of whole food to prevent and cure disease. I've heard Dr. Silberstein speak several times and she's even personally returned a call and given me a half hour of her time to discuss the issue of soy and breast cancer. She is so passionate about helping other people avoid what she went through in losing her husband at such a young age to cancer. I respect and admire that she has turned her personal pain into a lifelong quest to help as many people as she can to prevent, treat and heal the effects of cancer."  

Jenny Noyes
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