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2-24-87 Dear Susan, Enclosed is a check for $12.00 — $2.00 for the nutritional packet and $10.00 is my small donation for your advice. You're very kind, informative, and patient — thank you! Please also send me information on... Again, thank you for talking to me, Susan. Carol M.

Carol M.
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2-15-91 Here is my check for $15 to support your efforts this year. I do appreciate what you are doing. Sincerely, Susan Mimie B.

Susan Mimie B.
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As my plans take me elsewhere. However, I will continue to speak of FACT at professional gatherings, contribute annually & refer clients. I hope your life is going well. You have done so much for people suffering cancer & their families. Sincerely, Mary G., RN

Mary G., RN
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Hi there! Here’s some money. Thanks for everything — keep up the outstanding work! Best regards, Bediah B.

Bediah B.
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I have enclosed a donation for 1989 because I really appreciate the newsletter and letters, petitions, etc. that you so dedicatedly and conscientiously distribute. Keep up the good work—FACT is an oasis for those who so desperately need relief from the desert of modern medicine. Fondly yours, Carrie B.

Carrie B.
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