Dear Sirs:
My address has changed, but I would like to continue receiving your newsletters. I find them very interesting and useful. Please send them to my new address.
Thank you,
Eva T.

Eva T.
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August 2, 1993
Dear Susan Silberstein,
Thank you very much for your long and very useful call last week. I appreciate the services that CACE provides.
Barbara T.

Barbara T.
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Dear Susan,
Both your presence and your presentation Sunday night had very healing effects. Thank you for being so generous with your time and knowledge.
If it’s any comfort — we got several phone calls after the meeting from folks who expressed their regrets on not making it that evening.

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September 23, 1993
Congratulations on the first issue of Immune Perspectives.
There can be no questioning the need and timeliness of such a publication.
Again, congratulations and best wishes.
Ben H.

Ben H.
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Dear Susan,
Keep up the good work. It's an honor and a pleasure to support the wonderful work you are doing and offering to people.
With love,

Jake K.
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