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Anyway, this check to you comes with love and gratitude for your work and your devotion— May you use it to bring health & blessings. Fondly, Paulette S.

Paulette S.
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October 18, 1994 Dear Ms. Silberstein: We’re happy to broadcast the following 10-second public service announcement for you:
The Center for Advancement in Cancer Education will present a program, October 30, for women interested in preventing breast cancer. Call 610-....-...
We’ll accompany this copy with our "In the Community Interest" visual giving the above phone number under the heading, "Breast Cancer Awareness Month." Your spot will air during appropriate time periods through October 28. I’m sure that your event will interest many of our viewers. Please keep us informed of any future projects. Thanks for letting us know about your activities. Sincerely, Linda M.

Linda M.
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Oct 10, 1994 Dear Susan, I have enclosed a check for $25 as a donation in memory of my dear friend Stacey L. J., who recently died of cancer on 09/25/94 at the age of 39. Although Stacey chose to go a traditional medical route in seeking treatment at Fox Chase Cancer Center, it is my belief that with continued support and pursuit of alternative therapies, it will come a time when the accepted models of treatment and prevention will broaden and with increasing research make more humane choices feasible for more people. I personally thank you for helping me to take a more holistic approach in dealing with my own condition of breast calcifications. I met with you in early Nov 1993 and have been following nutritional guidelines under the guidance of James Sparandeo in addition to recent follow-up from Dr. Tom Frazier. So far, we have not found the need to undergo surgery or other invasive procedures, and I am grateful for this.  

Testimonial Compilation 004
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I am enclosing an addressed, stamped envelope to Stacey's family so you can send them notification of my memorial donation: In memory of:
STACEY L. J. To: The J. Family and Sayoko M. Many thanks for your tireless and compassionate work. Sincerely, Angela G.

Angela G.
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8/19/02 Dr. Silberstein, Susan, thanks for all the hours you've dedicated to developing your center. Sincerely, Jim M.

Jim M.
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