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Sue — Thank you for all of the support you gave Nancy. She always spoke so fondly of you and deeply appreciated your support and what you give to others. I'm so glad to finally know who you are.

Testimonial Compilation 005
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Dear Susan — Thanks for all the time you spent with me today on the phone — and for your expertise & your caring. It meant a great deal! You do such extraordinary work — you ought to get a McArthur 5-year award — no less the minimal type of funding you are looking for! I'll keep in touch. Joan

Joan Kl.
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9/1/95 Susan, Thank you again for your support and guidance in March '94 when I was seeking direction. Florence R.

Florence R.
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Dear Susan, Thank you so much for sharing your extensive knowledge about cancer with our Healthier Lifestyles group. Sorry this check is late! Sincerely, Linda J. S.

Linda S.
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April 21, 1995 Dear Susan, Thanks for the time you spent with me and for the list of people who might be able to help me. I wish M.D.'s had the information and compassion that you have. I'll let you know how things are going before long. Thanks again, Brenda

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