September 4, 1996
Dear Friends,
Enclosed please find one of the first copies, just off the press, of RECLAIMING OUR HEALTH, the powerful new book by John R.
Please note that the Center for Advancement in Cancer Education is listed in the Resource Guide on page 377 of RECLAIMING OUR HEALTH.
This copy is being sent to you at the request of John R., with his compliments and deep gratitude for the important work you do.
With best wishes,
Mick L.
Mick L.
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30 Dec 1996
Please accept this check from the McKee Foundation on behalf of my spouse, George M., and myself.
Your work has made a difference in our lives, and we hope that the center will continue its efforts.
Cheryl S.
Cheryl S.
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November 11, 1996
Dear Susan,
Thank you very much for your presentation on the subject of Non-Conventional Cancer Therapies. We greatly appreciate the effort and kindness you displayed in furthering the education of the students here at PSMT.
We look forward to working with you again. Good health to you and your family.
Jeffery M.
Course Supervisor
Jeffery M.
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Dear Susan,
Enclosed is a small token of my thanks to you for your help and guidance.
You are in the vanguard against this strange but lethal mutation, and I value your sensitivity, acumen, and dedication to this cause.
I have noted that in your quest to combat cancer that you have come as close as possible to covering all of the bases; i.e., taking a multi-faceted and non-dogmatic approach, mixing pragmatism and common sense. If not for you, I would likely be at the mercy of the allopaths, and feeling out of control and hopeless.
Thanks again, and I hope to talk to you soon.
Iraah J.
Iraah J.
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July 18th, 1996
Dear Ms. Silberstein:
On behalf of the entire family, I wish to thank you for the gracious manner in which you received us and with the information that you imparted.
I am enclosing my check in appreciation. $250.
With kindest regards, I am
Nathan S.
P.S.: I am enclosing a packet of materials concerning the National Parkinson Foundation.
Nathan S.
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