Dear Susan,
My wife and I thank you for the time you gave us on Thursday (3/12). You give me hope that I can maintain control over my cancer as long as I can change my diet, lifestyle—only make other changes.
I have delayed my BCG therapy for 3 months and will then be scoped to see what the "little buggers" look like. Will be in touch.
Here is the directory for your center plus another article.
God be with you to give you the stamina and focus to continue for another 20 yrs—Happy Birthday.
Have to go, my asparagus is in the pot!!
Chuck L.
Chuck L.
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August 3, 1993
Dear Mrs. Silberstein,
We have just received your "Immune Perspectives", which I have enjoyed reading very much. You are the one organization that combines the scientific know-how with common sense and fair evaluation of alternative cancer therapy.
I am using Essiac tea with vitamins, minerals, diet, but am not sure concerning diet details. Therefore, I would like to purchase the report Scientific Relationships between Diet and Cancer Survival ($39.95). My check is enclosed.
I appreciate so very much the time spent with your group in and still find diet my biggest problem.
Yours truly,
Jane M.
Jane M.
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To Susan Silberstein,
As part of my confirmation project, my rabbi wants us to perform a mitzvah. After much deliberation, I have elected to donate $18 towards your charity. I feel it to be a worthy cause and hope that my contribution will go to a good purpose. I have often found this deed very fulfilling and a very effective way to help out, especially in a time like this when so many people need assistance. The mitzvah of giving is blessed for he who gives and he who receives, so I hope that my donation will be appreciated.
Thank you,
Michael L.
I would like my donation to go to the Robert and Rhoda M. Memorial Fund.
Michael L.
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Memo To: Susan Silberstein
Date: 4-25-98
From: Ruth R.
Enclosed is my membership check. Barbara is doing wonderfully! The tumors are shrinking! She is doing great work with Doug S. and a friend of ours, Bunny A., who is a trained art therapist, has been providing that healing outlet. Thank you for your input. We believe God is healing Barb.
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Mar 3, '92
Dear Susan,
We're so grateful for your help & counsel in helping us stop having the need of breast biopsies (Carmen is w/ "chip"). Haven't had a biopsy for close to 2 yrs now.
To the Parenting C. & Its Resources (What's your eating / What's Eating You) going to be available on audio tapes? We need a copy! We learned a lot here on an unofficial level. One lady just died—who could not be begged into being happy! So we’d really appreciate tapes.
Renee V.
Renee V.
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