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Dear Susan,

I wanted to thank you for taking the time to listen & speak with my mom & myself in regards to boosting her immune system.

I came away with a renewed sense of the importance of diet in relation to health. Perhaps more importantly for myself (I've been into the health stuff for a long time) was the recognition of the importance not only of state of mind but also the benefits of having close personal relationships in regard to their benefits to our overall well-being.

Thanks again & we will see you at the dinner at F. Fields later this month.

Sandy O.

Sandy O.
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Dear Susan,

It was so very nice to get to talk to you! I was deeply moved when I read your article, and I admired your courage and continuance with your research into this illness.

It made me think just a little more about all the study and efforts made by my husband to teach himself what harm smoking could do, and to try to impart this to everybody (people did not want to listen.) But his work has continued by others, and I thank God some success has been achieved.

I want to thank you for the help you gave me and my family and to wish you Good Luck in all you do.

Jette L.

Jette L.
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My purpose in life is definitely people related – I know that pretty quickly.
"Something with birds" announces itself very clearly to me – and Sat. I had a delightful time with a friend's adorable children.

Sunday I went with Mark to visit his mother with Alzheimer's. He hadn't seen any of her sparkle for a while. But I reached her with music. Mom and I sang "Lullaby of Broadway" with great gusto. Mark was thrilled & I do love that lady.

I may not know all the particulars yet, but the above 2 experiences were reminders of what I can do – and move on (and the participants thrive). Great fun!

My gratitude for you, what you are doing, and your time,

Nathalie T.

Nathalie T.
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Dear Dr. Silberstein,

On behalf of the students who participated in the Science Conference, I would like to thank you for donating your time by talking. Your attendance at our conference was well worth it; I know of many students who enjoyed your sessions.

Daniel C.

Daniel C.
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Dear Susan,

I wanted to thank you for coming to speak at Temple on behalf of all of the students present that day. It was a wonderful presentation and I received very positive feedback from the students who attended. We are looking forward to working together in the future.

Thank you again.

Mirdy D.

Mirdy D.
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