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Dear Randy,

Thank you for this second year together. Our monthly talks mean so much to me, and I really look forward to our conversations.

Gail W.

Gail W.
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March 16, 2003

Susan –

It is always a pleasure to work alongside of you and the center.

The enclosed check is the collected efforts of your Juice Plus+ supporters.

As Always –

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June 08, 2000

Dear Susan:

Thank you so much for sharing with us your wealth of experience, knowledge, and considerable insight into the importance of nutrition in the lives of women living with and recovering from breast cancer, as well as in the lives of the general population.

Your balanced, common-sense presentation was thoroughly enjoyed and appreciated by our members. I hope you will return as a guest speaker at a future date. Those of us living in the Philadelphia area are blessed to have you working here to better the lives of those diagnosed with cancer and to educate our population about the importance of nutrition in cancer prevention.

I have enclosed a “breast cancer awareness” pin as a token of our appreciation.


Susan P.

Susan P.
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December 15, 1995

Dear Susan:

Thank you so much for battling the traffic to present your lecture on Alternatives in Cancer Treatment for our A.C.S. Seminar.

Your evaluations were all very favorable and many participants remarked how interesting and thought-provoking your talk was.

A note of personal apology that due to a family crisis, I had to leave before hearing your talk. I had looked forward to meeting you and hearing you speak. I hope our paths will cross in the future.

Best wishes for a happy and healthy holiday season.

Very truly yours,

Terri M.

Terri M.
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March 22, 1996

Dear Sir:

On behalf of the employees of M., please accept this check for $47.00. We, as a group, felt that this association deserved our support and hope that this donation will help in some way.

Keep up the good work!


Rosemary S.

Rosemary S.
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