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Dear Friends, Thank you all for being there - You are part of my life line. See you at the next workshop. Ever Grateful, Helen O.    

Helen O’.
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3 DEC 90 Hi, I heard you on Murry Needleman's radio show last Friday.... Thank you for being there when I needed you last year when I went thru breast cancer surgery and conventional treatment of chemo & radiation, which I had to stop before completion because it made me so ill. You suggested Ginsing & chlorella and I have been taking them (along with other changes in my diet) and I am feeling fine. The enclosed check is my contribution to your cause. Sincerely, Joan A.  

Joan A.
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May 24, 1991 Dear Susan, I again want to thank you for your persistence in keeping your organization together and making it work. I am a Chiropractor as well as a Registered Nurse. I went into Chiropractic because I saw the tremendous need to educate people. I also realized the traditional medicine was not going to allow that to happen easily. Without dedicated people such as yourself, others would not benefit. Always remember that for every person who receives your information, at least two more people will hear about the work that you do. Keep up the good work!! In an effort to keep it going, I would appreciate it if you would forward to me a physician referral list. It is important to me to pass information on and this list would benefit those who need it. Again thanks for your dedication. Be Good To Your Self, Dr. Christine E., RN., D.C.    

Dr. Christine E., RN., D.C.
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Nov. 24, 1991 Dear Dr. Silberstein: Thank you very much for your help when we had to make such difficult decisions last winter. My husband is doing fine so far with James Sparandeo’s diet and I hope it will stay so. Sincerely yours, Hilde M. Melrose Park, PA

Hilde M.
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Center for Advancement in Cancer Education Hi, Please send me the written report on the "Scientific Relationships Between Diet & Breast Cancer Survival." I gave a lecture to my fellow MDs, RNs, and nurse practitioners extracted from the tapes on Preventing Breast Cancer — what a hit. Thank you. They are invaluable. Enclosed is $12.00. Sincerely, J. S. RN CNM Judy S. RN CNM (Certified Nurse-Midwife)

Judy S.
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