BC-017 Debbie Melamed interviews cancer hypnotherapist Avinoam Lerner on the power of the mind and how it can be your greatest ally in cancer recovery.
April 26, 2016 | Author: Debbie Melamed
Avinoam Lerner is an innovative author, holistic health coach, and complementary medicine practitioner specializing in cancer recovery. He works with patients to strengthen their innate immune response through approaches such as hypnotherapy, Emotional Freedom Technique, and guided imagery. For people who want to participate in their own healing process, he offers cancer coaching and an Immune Enhancement Boot Camp. His practice is located in the Boston area and his book, The New Cancer Paradigm, can be found on his website.
Join us for this podcast, and learn
- The basics of psychoneuroimmunology and the mind-body connection
- How cancer is more than just a malfunction of the physical body
- New ways to participate in your own healing process
- How to harness your mind’s creativity and intelligence
- How Immersive Healing can boost immune function and improve cancer outcome.
- Why deep-seated patterns from the past can affect your present health
- How tapping into the subconscious mind can change your perceptions and free up your immune system
- How the emotional freedom technique (EFT) can provide relief from emotional and physical discomfort
Lerner’s breakthrough methodology can be a life-saving resource for everyone fighting cancer – no matter what your cancer type, your cancer stage, or your cancer treatment. Order his book The New Cancer Paradigm: Mobilizing the Mind to Heal the Body today and listen now as BeatCancer.org community outreach director Debbie Melamed interviews Avinoam Lerner on the power of the mind as your greatest ally in cancer recovery.
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