BC-023 BeatCancer interviews Dr. Ron Weiss about dietary change and pancreatic cancer outcome and the connection between primary care, botany and farming
December 15, 2016 | Author: BeatCancer.Org
Board-certified in internal medicine, Ron Weiss, MD, is a primary care doctor in New Jersey and Assistant Professor of Clinical Medicine at Rutgers University Medical School.Trained in allopathic medicine, he changed his focus to an integrative medicine approach after the death of his father from end stage metastatic pancreatic cancer. Dr. Weiss had been instrumental in altering his father’s diet post diagnosis, and within days, his father returned to work, the gym and running. Although his father later died of his disease, he lived much longer than expected and had shrunk his tumor by 50% prior to his passing.
Join us for this podcast and learn:
- How Dr. Weiss used a macrobiotic diet to relieve his father’s pain and reduce the size of his tumor.
- What is the Ethos Diet?
- What’s unique about Dr. Weiss’s 275-year-old, 342-acre farm in New Jersey?
- Where does he get his seeds and what does that mean for the produce grown there?
- What happens to disease when you eat a whole food plant-based diet?
- What often causes gene mutations that result in cancer?
- What are the most powerful foods you can eat to prevent illness?
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