BC-027 Debbie Melamed Interviews Jared & Lisa Bucey on Jared’s Amazing Natural Recovery from Stage 4 Hodgkin’s Lymphoma
January 30, 2017 | Author: BeatCancer.Org
Jared Bucey was born with a heart defect and underwent a heart transplant at the age of four. To prevent rejection, he was forced to constantly take immuno-suppressiveĀ drugs. In 2014, when he was 16, an emergency appendectomy revealed that Jared had stage 4 Hodgkin’s Lymphoma and he immediately began chemotherapy. His doctors told him that if he didn’t follow through with his treatments he would be dead in 6 months, but one round of chemo produced such severe side effects that Jared felt he was going to die anyway. Jared prayed and his mom Lisa researched and together they decided to attack his cancer naturally. He is now cancer-free.
Listen to this amazing story of how Jared chose to follow his gut and begin a natural healing process to combat his cancer.
Join us for this podcast and learn:
- What exactly happened to Jared after just one round of chemotherapy
- What the nutritionist at the hospital began feeding him to help his failing kidneys
- The difficulties of taking your child out of doctor-ordered medical treatmentsbr>
- How Jared and his mom healed him with juicing, rebounding, clean eating and an infrared sauna
- About Jared’s cancer free life at the age of 19, his challenges, and his mission to help others.
Jared and his mom Lisa also started a Facebook page called Kid Against Chemo to share their story and to teach others what they learned on their cancer journey.
You can order Jared’s autobiography and read more about his journey on his website:
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