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BC-045 How Leslie Nance went from fearful cancer victim to Cancer Boss and Successful Holistic Cancer Coach

BC-045 How Leslie Nance went from fearful cancer victim to Cancer Boss and Successful Holistic Cancer Coach

January 28, 2019 | Author: BeatCancer.Org

How Leslie Nance went from fearful cancer victim to Cancer Boss and Successful Holistic Cancer Coach

Join us while Debra Melamed interviews Leslie about her incredible journey.

How mindset makes all the difference:

3:01-3:35 What if we could shift the mindset of cancer being scary and instead see cancer as a messenger of hope and love that has come to teach you something about yourself, and become a cancer boss.

6:41-46 There are studies the show that when you hear the word cancer in your name that your immune function drops 50%.

You are what you eat:

18:21-29 I teach people that the ultimate goal is to eat a 90% plant-based diet.

22:40-23:38 I’m a huge fan of the alkaline broth, and the mineral broth recipe from the Hungry For Health book.For people in active treatment, the mineral broth in particular is so healing. My clients that use it are head and shoulders above in their recovery. It is fantastic and just as important as anything else they are doing.

How BeatCancer.Org Holistic Cancer Coach Certification changed Leslie’s life:

25:08-25:22 Beat Cancer’s holistic cancer coaching course has helped me with my own mindset. Things I closed the door on were opened back up. I use a lot of resources from the course. It really elevated my practice.

25:42-26:04 If you are thinking about doing this class, stop thinking and do it. It will change your relationship with cancer. It will change the way you think about how you help people. It is so incredibly empowering.

27:00-32 I refer to my notebook from the course all the time. If there is something I have never heard of I know Susan has said it in the course. I find what I need every time. She helps me help people and her legacy will live through every one of us in a way that is life-changing.

27:38-46 There are a lot of celebrity types to there right now trying to sell their story about beating cancer, but Susan truly knows the path.

Start believing in yourself and thrive after cancer:

31:12-27 I speak to people from my heart and encourage them and believe in them when nobody else is believing in them, not their doctors, not their family.

44:35-59 Cancer is here to teach you your purpose, to check your lifestyle and your relationships, and everything that is going on in your life that is affecting you. It is an opportunity to move into your perfect life.

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Leslie Nance
Location: United States, Colorado, Fort Collins
Phone: 970-775-0012
Specialties: Plant-Based Chef, Anti-Cancer Lifestyle, Certified Holistic Nutritionist