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BC-058 INTRO TO A COACH: Jackie Bye Learn About The Breast Cancer Personality and How Coach Jackie Bye Learned What It Takes To Put Yourself First In Order To Heal

BC-058 INTRO TO A COACH: Jackie Bye Learn About The Breast Cancer Personality and How Coach Jackie Bye Learned What It Takes To Put Yourself First In Order To Heal

August 3, 2019 | Author: Debra Melamed

Jackie Bye was a “Super-Busy Mom” living in the fast-lane until it came to a screeching halt when she was diagnosed with metastatic breast cancer at the age of 46 years old. She felt her body was running on fumes and that she needed to heal her cancer, not fight it. After five months on my cancer healing journey, my tests showed I was in remission! However, almost two years to the date from my first diagnosis from a “series of unfortunate events” and stress she her cancer came back. Instead of living in fear with her cancer diagnosis, she has chosen an approach based on love the second time around.

Listen to this podcast as Jackie shares how to keep quality of life while being a mom, wife, and the many other hats you wear.

2:23 I’ve always been one who likes to take care of people and a people pleaser, which goes along with breast cancer too, it’s that type a personality.

2:31 I went to the Peace Corps after college and was diagnosed with amoebas, giardia, and parasites and I had over 40 immunizations as well in the Peace Corps. When I got home I was never the same. I had no energy.

3:20 In 2016, I was running around with kids, had a stressful job, was not eating or sleeping well, and I was diagnosed with cancer. The source was my gut microbiome, the parasites, root canals, and cavitations that were identified on a dental thermogram.

4:25 Even though I was a people pleaser, I stood up to conventional doctors and said I’m not going to do chemotherapy and radiation. I knew I was running on fumes and I knew my body well enough to know it wasn’t going to work for me.

6:15 Vitamin C, and HOCATT- an infra-red sauna, ozone therapy with PEMF were all part of my treatment.

6:30 Or conventional approach is a one-size-fits all method, and when you treat cancer it has to be multi-pronged approach, because all of our bodies are different.

8:42 When you are diagnosed, you have time and choices and you don’t know that at first. Time is important. Take as long as you need to come up with a plan that resonates with you. Women have a great gut instincts we need to listen to.

9:57 I just put out a blog and a movement for healing breast cancer versus fighting breast cancer. It is counterproductive when you fight anything. Your body goes into fight or flight mode which means stress, which leads to inflammation, which leads to disease that can appear as auto immune disease or cancer.

10:52 My life needed to change. I was a people pleaser and had type A personality. I’ve learned to focus on me. Me first, then family.

11:14 For stress, I walk my dogs in the morning while forest bathing and doing affirmations by Louise Hay, to get my mind out of fear. We must heal the mind first. The suppression of emotions, stress, and holding back resentments needs to be healed. It’s critical to find out where you are in your mind. Then I do 15 minutes of meditation and 20 minutes of yoga outside for extra grounding. And I also do rebounding once or twice a week with shoes on

13:17 I also see a therapist because I felt really heavy emotionally and I wanted to preserve relationships with my family.

18:46 I am a school counselor as well, so I’ve been meeting with students whose moms have cancer and they are hurting and having a hard time coping. I am working with kids and coaching moms to help their kids.

20:11 In my home there are no guessing games. My children know where I am and I share all the results of my tests. We have a meeting once a month for our family to talk and we keep the lines of communication open with our children.

20:47 The holistic cancer coaching course with Beat Cancer filled in the blanks for me with things I didn’t know so I could walk the walk. It empowered me and educated me to reach out and help others. It has great information and includes a great support system with other coaches. It hits on many topics to support others on their healing journey.

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Jackie is passionate about counseling mom’s with cancer and their children.
Specialties: Holistic Cancer Coach, Integrative Nutrition Health Coach, MS Psych/Counseling
Phone: 218.851.8875