Become a Ambassador!
March 1, 2017 | Author: Susan Silberstein, PhD
Many of the wonderful people I have met on my lecture tours around the US and beyond have expressed interest in helping by becoming our Ambassadors. The goal of our Ambassadors Program is to share the message and help spread our mission as a volunteer representative of our organization. The Ambassadors Program does not necessarily require that you solicit donations, organize community-based lectures, find sponsorships, arrange for publicity in print or broadcast media, or establish relations with other institutions — unless you are passionate about that, talented in those areas, and/or have special connections. Those activities, of course, would be hugely welcome, but you can still be our Ambassador by engaging in only a few minimal efforts:
Learn more about
- Sign up for our newsletter
- Become familiar with our About page
- Read our blogs and listen to our podcasts
Spread the word on social media
- Like us on Facebook
- Invite your friends to like us on Facebook
- Share our blog posts
- Retweet our Tweets
Link to our website from yours (if you have one)
Here are some other opportunities to help, learn, and be compensated:
Become a Certified Holistic Cancer Coach/Educator
Although it is not necessary, we’d love for you to become a BeatCancer Certified Holistic Cancer Coach. Many people who wish to become Ambassadors are excited to take this training, which will enable you to work individually with patients and bring to them the benefits of our 35+ years of experience. In addition to being able to help cancer patients and be compensated for doing so,taking this training also helps make sure that anyone who is a spokesperson for our organization knows exactly what we do — and do not do — when we work with cancer patients, so that we are not misrepresented. The training is online, on demand and self-paced and typically takes 10-15 hours. You can learn more here. For additional questions about this program, contact
Become a Public Speaker for
Once you are certified, you will be eligible to receive our Beat Cancer with Your Fork power point presentation to share with others.
Become our Affiliate
- You can become an affiliate of the BeatCancer.Org e-store and earn 10% of all sales that come from your specific affiliate link that we provide.
- If you are certified through our training, you can also become an affiliate of the coaching program and earn 10% of all course sales generated by you.
Engage in Fundraising Projects
- You could help us raise funds with something as simple as letting people know about, where we receive donations from Amazon just because people who order online designate our charity.
- If you have the time, you could conduct a personal fundraising project for – wherever your passion lies. Some of our Ambassadors have sold shirts, hosted luncheons or dedicated athletic achievements to our organization
If you would like to become a BeatCancer Ambassador, please contact Debra at and let her know how you wish to help. We look forward to working with you! Together we can BEAT CANCER!
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