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INTRO TO A COACH: Paul Schmitendorf

INTRO TO A COACH: Paul Schmitendorf

January 15, 2019 | Author: BeatCancer.Org
Paul Schmitendorf Beat Cancer Holistic Cancer Coach

Greetings everyone, my name is Paul Schmitendorf and I am a Certified Holistic Cancer Coach. Back in 2005 I saw Dr. Joel Fuhrman speak about nutrient density and using a healthy plant-based diet to build and support the immune system. This was a radical turning point for me. I adopted a much healthier diet to go with my regular exercise routine. With this new approach I had begun living a cancer prevention lifestyle without even knowing what that was. It was around this time that I stumbled on a book called “Beating Cancer Gently” written by the late Bill Henderson. The book opened my eyes to the idea that nutrition could play a powerful role in defeating cancer and that a cancer diagnosis doesn’t have to mean a death sentence. Many people have used their cancer as a rallying or turning point in their lives and have gone on to live another 10, 20, or even 30 years.

For many years, I wanted to share my knowledge and help others adopt a cancer prevention lifestyle. When I discovered the holistic cancer coaching certification program at Beat Cancer I signed up immediately. Having completed the certification program I feel I’m now armed with vast knowledge about cancer that goes way beyond just nutrition. My desire as a holistic cancer coach is to help bridge that gap of knowledge. I would like to help as many people as I can to prevent, cope with, and beat their cancer diagnosis. As a coach it’s my job to listen, give options not opinions, help determine a game plan that works within a client’s belief system, and empower with knowledge. A holistic cancer coach plays many roles including advocate, accountability partner, mentor, cheering squad, sounding board, nutritionist, educator, and strategist. I’m grateful to have been able to tap into some of Susan Silberstein’s 35+ years of wisdom working in this field. When I’m not reading articles or books on nutrition and cancer I can be found hiking, bicycling, stand-up paddle boarding, gardening, playing board games, or taking photos.


Paul Schmitendorf
Certified Holistic Cancer Coach

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