Proud of Our 2016 Accomplishments
December 15, 2016 | Author: Susan Silberstein, PhD
As another year comes to an end, my colleagues and I at are really proud to let you know about our exciting accomplishments during the past 12 months. When I established this non-profit back in 1977 with the goal of helping at least one family dealing with cancer, I never envisioned that we would touch more than 100,000 lives all over the US and beyond. Yet with our modest budget and small staff, just look at what we have done!
- Celebrated our 39th year of service
- Qualified for the 7th year in a row as a Top Rated Nonprofit through
- Re-qualified for a $120,000 advertising grant from the Google Foundation
- Approached 20,000 visitors and 100,000 page views in weekly website traffic
- Prompted by your survey responses, began partnering with several businesses to provide endorsed products to our subscribers at a discount
- Received over $10,000 in foundation grants to support this year’s Youth Nutrition and Prevention Education Project
- Received a generous donation of a new website design valued at $10,000 from a cancer survivor hoping to pay it forward and help others that are affected by cancer
- Coached cancer patients across 33 of the United States, plus Canada and the UK
- Provided nearly 1000 hours of individualized counseling to 188 new patients nationwide and abroad
- Presented 32 cancer and nutrition lectures to nearly 4000 attendees in 27 US cities across 15 states and Puerto Rico
- Expanded our Certified Cancer Counselors list to include 100 health professionals in 14 countries through our Holistic Cancer Coach Certification Program
- Participated in three online global health summits, three web interviews, and two professional cancer conferences
- Taught 11 healthy eating and cancer prevention classes to 253 high school students through our Youth Nutrition and Prevention Program
- Increased our free education to 20,000 people weekly worldwide through more than 330 blog posts and podcasts
- Introduced our online cooking series Cooking with Carrie, featuring recipes from our two books, Hungry for Health and Hungrier for Health.
- In response to your requests, offered four new BeatCancer.Org endorsed e-courses that educate our subscribers on ways to prevent, fight and beat cancer.
Your donations make all this and more possible, so if you are a past donor, please renew your gift, and if you have never donated before, please consider for your charitable giving. Remember, when we help cancer patients, we charge no fee for service, receive no government funding, and get no insurance reimbursement. We rely on your generosity! So please send your tax-deductible donation today, either online or by mail to, PO Box 130, Richboro, PA 18954. Thank you and warm wishes for the holiday season and a new year of health, joy and peace!
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