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Ben B.

Testimonial from Ben B.

To all the caring members at CACE:

Hello, my name is Ben B. I have had several family who have suffered with the debilitating disease of cancer.Some are in “remission” and some have passed, but all were cared for by the mainstream medical model. My fiancée who is a full-time restaurant manager and a part-time personal trainer, and I have done countless hours of research into our health and well-being, and now understand how absolutely important diet, exercise, a healthy, happy mind, and our relationship to Earth truly is. We are trying to educate ourselves in all realms and bring our lifestyles closer back to nature, with the understanding that it truly betters all aspects of our lives. It seems your organization reflects these beliefs, and I am proud to support you.

My current occupation is a bartender, which, I know isn’t the model for health and wellness…but, I am an aspiring organic worm, vegetable, solar, and wind farmer who is trying to do his part. At present, I don’t make a ton of money to donate to your cause, but I used to have a ton of hair. I held an event to cut my hair, and ended up donating 6 pony tails, 29″ long each, to the Locks of Love Foundation. Through different games and pledges, we raise $2,043 that I would like to donate to your organization. I donate in honor of my many family members and all of the friends who contributed, in hopes that they, and the rest of society, will realize the importance and value of education in the causes of disease, our lifestyles, our spirituality, outlook on life, and all other variables that contribute to our well-being. Thank you for all you do to make this world a better place.


Ben B.

Ben B.