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Dec 23, 1992 Dear Susan: Thank you for teaching the graduate students in oncology nursing at the University of Pennsylvania School of Nursing. The students benefited from your knowledge. I appreciated your time and effort and interest in the program and students. Thanks again. Sincerely, Gloria H., RN, EdD

Gloria H.
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"I am very interested in nutrition, detoxification and all the factors you advocate, and hope to be informed re: your public lectures and conventions. G-d bless you each and all in all your endeavors." — D.S., Royersford, PA "Thank you for your concern and suggestions you gave to me today... enjoy your day knowing that the work you do is bringing hope and choices to others." — S.G., Washington, DC "I greatly appreciate the care, understanding, sensitivity, professionalism and time you took... You obviously do a tremendous job... it is very comforting just to know you are there." — L.S., Ottsville, PA "I want to thank you for all your efforts in putting a great program together... Whole person health must be a many faceted approach and your conference certainly evidenced that." — T.A., Wilmington, DE "Thank you for taking the time to talk to me. This [check] is a token of my appreciation." — A.S., Wyncote, PA "I want to thank you sincerely for presenting the basics of nutrition so clearly at the recent FACT seminar..." — I.C., Paoli, PA "G-d speed and every best wish for the successful continuation and progress of your vital work. I commend you heartily, and thank you in the process." — C.S., Bryn Mawr, PA

Testimonial Compilation 001
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"I was in the audience of the recent FACT conference... The conference was an enormously important, meaningful, positive, optimistic, and uplifting experience for me... And I was greatly impressed with your contribution and your person... Thank you once more for being there and doing it." — H.S., Fair Haven, NJ "I want to take the opportunity to thank you for taking the time to talk with me at the recent cancer convention... The convention was the most incredible and enlightening two days I ever experienced." — V.S., Riverdale, NY "Enclosed is $10.00... as an expression of my appreciation for the very important volunteer work you are doing." — V.K., Schnecksville, PA "I have heard a lot of good things about your organization and I know you will put this [money] to good use to help others." — R.R., Lansdale, PA "Congratulations, you are performing a real service for a lot of unfortunates." — E.B.S., Merrick, NY "Thank you very much for your immediate response to [my] request. I am anxious to get started on the road to great health and understand that detoxification is the 'expressway.'" — J.W., Ft. Lauderdale, FL  

Testimonial Compilation 002
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Dear, I am keeping you informed as to Susan's progress. As of this month, Susan's latest scan shows no increase in the size of the tumor which was thought earlier to be growing again. She is physically stronger and more coordinated than ever before, more alert as well. We are very pleased and will continue with the nutrition therapy as best we can. I look forward to seeing you at the November 8th Conference. The enclosed check is a small gift to thank you for your concern. Sincerely, Joan K.

Joan K.
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5/27/93 Dear Susan, I hope all’s well with you. I’m glad I’ve found someone to send people, especially when the medical profession says there’s no hope. Keep up the wonderful work in providing people information, counseling, and hope. With best regards, David

David T.
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