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BeatCancer Testimonial Thank You Hand Pic-Beat Cancer Blog
We would like to make a small donation in memory of a special friend Renie C. (Rennie). Thank you for your wonderful work. We brag about you every chance we get and distribute pertinent articles upon request by anyone in need of guidance with their illness. Sometimes they wait too long. Thank you again for all your support. You are the reason Mitch is doing so great!!

Most sincerely,

Peg & Mitch

Peg H.
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BeatCancer Testimonial Thank You Hand Pic-Beat Cancer Blog
Dear Susan: It’s been a number of years since you talked to me on the phone. In the past 18 years I have had first mastectomy followed by two lumpectomies. After the last one, almost four years ago, I had 30 radiation treatments. Although one of my nodes was positive I have been free of cancer since that time. I am very thankful for all the help that was given to me and to my husband by FACT.

Sincerely, Helen H.

Helen H.
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BeatCancer Testimonial Thank You Hand Pic-Beat Cancer Blog
To: Susan Silberstein From: Richard P. I would like to take this time to thank you all for the help you gave me during the very confusing and uncertain times. I am currently seeing Dr. Norman Seigel here in Cherry Hill Inn. I have been on the Alpha Interferon (3x weekly) for over a year, with positive response. Although there are many side effects, the information about the diet and natural alternatives has helped combat them. I don’t know how long the positive effects will continue, however they indeed prove exactly what you point out in your editorial (Summer 97 Vol. V No.2). That the combination of orthodox and alternative medicine can be very powerful. I am enclosing a small donation.




P.S. Keep up the good work.

BeatCancer testimonial richard

Richard P.
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BeatCancer Testimonial Thank You Hand Pic-Beat Cancer Blog
Dear Susan,

Your kindness meant so much to me.

I really appreciate all that you have provided for me during my practicum. I’ve learned so much from you and knowing you has changed my life! I couldn’t ask for a better practicum experience by being at a place in line with my philosophy and belief system and greatly expanding my knowledge base. Thanks for your support and encouragement. As I’ve told you I want to volunteer at night (phone call basis) and hopefully can be more a part of the center when I leave Cephalon.


Sue :)

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BeatCancer Testimonial Thank You Hand Pic-Beat Cancer Blog
Dear Randi, It was a pleasure to meet you the other day and I am so grateful to be able to connect with you because of your knowledge and expertise as an ND. Thank you so much for taking the extra time to go over such important and useful information with me. I know with all of your continued help, extra prayers, and support that this will help put me into full remission. Thank you so much for continuing to educate me with your wealth of knowledge and for your compassion and concern. I hope you are having a wonderful day. :) Best wishes and Kind Regards, Vanessa K. :)

Vanessa K.
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