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BeatCancer Testimonial Thank You Hand Pic-Beat Cancer Blog
Dear Susan, It was a genuine pleasure and privilege to hear Dr. Bernard Jensen speak last Sunday. What an inspiration he is to all of us. I was also impressed with the cross-section of people who turned out for the seminar – all so interested in good nutrition and improving our nutritional lifestyles. You did a terrific job in pulling such a grand event together. You are a “dynamo in action” with such a marvelous spirit. You are an inspiration to all who know you .” I’m joining Frances on your trip to N.Y. tomorrow (Wed). Where can you go anywhere today for a $22 trip!!! My last endeavor before I finally try to get some rest is to send you a check for our coming trip to New York on July in the amount of $500! Knowing you have so many places to put it, helped the decision! Your friend and joyful fundraising coordinator, J.F.

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BeatCancer Testimonial Thank You Hand Pic-Beat Cancer Blog
Susan Silberstein, PhD Center for Advancement in Cancer Education Dear Dr. Silberstein: Enclosed is a small donation for the Center of Advancement in Cancer Education. My mother, and I have been working with Dr. Randi over the phone for the past several weeks. The experience has been nothing but positive. We are grateful for the advice, concern, and understanding she has provided during this difficult time. It is refreshing that you are there to help so many people when this type of help is often unavailable or unattainable. I have used and studied natural medicine, but when it comes to cancer, the natural medicine can be just as confusing, at times, as the pharmaceutical medicine. I really needed and appreciated the help. I am happy I had the opportunity to meet you years ago. I believe it was at one of the PANLA conferences tha Grace sponsored. These conferences were wonderful as you may recall. Unfortunately, they were discontinued. My only regret is that I wish I had thought about your organization when my Mom was first diagnosed. Better late than never! I know my Mom is going to do very well. She has a good attitude and is trying her best to follow a nutritious diet and healthy lifestyle. It is not easy to break hold habits, as you can imagine. God bless you for the work you and your staff do. Respectfully yours, C.D.


Christine D.
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BeatCancer Testimonial Thank You Hand Pic-Beat Cancer Blog
Dear Dr. Randi: I can’t thank you enough for guiding me through this traumatic time of my life. You support empowered me when I felt so scared and confused. You are a wealth of knowledge. I wish you a joyous holiday and a prosperous new year. Sincerely, S. K.

Santa K.
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BeatCancer Testimonial Thank You Hand Pic-Beat Cancer Blog
Hi Randy, It was a pleasure to speak with you yesterday. You are a wealth of information! Most of all I appreciate your friendly, caring manner of speaking to me during this time of many stresses, and questions. I look forward to speaking to you next week on Wed at 3pm. Have a wonderful holiday weekend! C.H.

Cathy H

Cathy H.
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BeatCancer Testimonial Thank You Hand Pic-Beat Cancer Blog
When I was diagnosed with breast cancer it was one of the most confusing and overwhelming times in my life. Most doctors had a different opinion about how to treat my disease. Dr. Shayne helped me to be more proactive with questions for the doctors, as well as to investigate and educate myself about the treatments and medications I was taking. The knowledge I gained helped me to feel more confident with making decisions for myself. She never told me what to do, but instead helped to empower me to make choices with greater wisdom. In a very supportive, encouraging way she helped to enlighten me to make changes with the way I eat and LIVE in order to lead a healthier lifestyle. In general, I had more energy, and lost weight without trying! As time went on I began to feel so much better physically,mentally and emotionally. It became a time for personal spiritual growth as well. Dr. Shayne’s quest to help heal those battling health is done with great passion, intelligence and wisdom of her own. She has been a Godsend to me and I believe a vital part of my healing process! She is a gift to those who listen.

Robin M
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