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BeatCancer Testimonial Thank You Hand Pic-Beat Cancer Blog
After learning that none of the conventional treatments ever cured my type of advanced cancer with a horrifying prognosis of 20 months, I felt there had to be a better way. I was trying to find an alternative treatment on my own but, reached a point of information overload. I was more confused than when I started. Thanks to the help of some very special people in my life, I was directed to the Center for Advancement in Cancer Education where I met Executive Director, Susan Silberstein, and her staff who helped me to sort out all the confusion about cancer and move forward in making good lifestyle choices as well as alternative treatment options. Through BeatCancer.Org I discovered there was a whole other world of people outside of the allopathic medical establishment that were treating cancer successfully. BeatCancer.Org’s counseling and education, very early in my journey, guided me in my choices and are a large part of the reason I am still alive more than six years after being diagnosed with a rare stage IV cancer. Thank you BeatCancer.Org for helping to turn my life around and enable me to live beyond the doctor’s prognosis and far exceed my own expectations. Richard, Phoenixville, PA

Richard of Phoenixville, PA
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BeatCancer Testimonial Thank You Hand Pic-Beat Cancer Blog

On March 18, 2010 I was diagnosed with stage 4 pancreatic cancer (the kind that afflicts 95%). In January of this year I learned I no longer have any evidence of disease! All of my liver tumors and my pancreatic tumor are gone. How grateful we are to God that in His mercy He led us early on, to BeatCancer.Org.

We received wonderful and helpful advice and purchased the BeatCancer Tool Kit which was instrumental in my healing. We significantly changed our eating habits and lifestyle and I know these changes profoundly helped me but they also helped my wife in her general health too. I have formed my own business as an outreach and it is my mission in life to share with others my story and the life-saving principles we have learned the past two years. Whenever possible I give others your contact information and encourage them to call you. God bless you!!

Cornelius, Rochester Hills, MI


Cornelius of Rochester Hills, MI
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BeatCancer Testimonial Thank You Hand Pic-Beat Cancer Blog
Susan Silberstein, PhD Center for Advancement in Cancer Education Dear Dr. Silberstein: I am writing this letter to let you know how grateful I am for having had the opportunity to meet and work with Randi Shayne. Although all of our interactions have been over the telephone because I live in Florida, she has provided me with an immeasurable amount of information and advice that I have found to be most helpful in my treatment plan. Her holistic, integrated approach to my current condition was exactly what I was looking for. In addition, she has provided me with a multitude of invaluable resources so I can now look for answers to questions I have on different issues. I really respect Randi and am thankful for all she has done for me and thought it important to let you know how I thought. Your program looks fabulous and I only wish I lived closer so I could take part in some of your workshops. But, Randi is the next best thing. Sincerely, S. C.

Susan C.
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BeatCancer Testimonial Thank You Hand Pic-Beat Cancer Blog
August 1, 2007 Center for Advancement in Cancer Education  Dear Randi: Please accept my deep, heartfelt appreciation for the very informative counseling which you gave me yesterday. It was a wonderful learning experience for me, filling me with hope and optimism for the future. You gave me dozens of excellent ideas and practical suggestions for improving my lifestyle and restoring my health to a higher level. I thoroughly enjoyed meeting you and thank you very, very much for helping me with your experience, knowledge, and wisdom. With best wishes to you and the center.


Testimonial LarryLarry K.

Larry K.
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Thank you to Dr. Susan Silberstein for your great help on the telephone the other day. You and your staff are doing great and much needed work there. Hope this donation helps. Sincerely, Margaret  

Margaret B.
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