BC-018 Susan Silberstein interviews thermologist Dr. Philip Getson on the powerful role that thermographic imaging can play in helping women be proactive for their breast health
July 19, 2016 | Author: Susan Silberstein PhD
Philip Getson, DO, is a Board Certified Family Physician in practice since 1976 in New Jersey. The founder of Thermographic Diagnostic Imaging, he is an expert in medical thermography and has been certified by four thermographic boards. An international lecturer on thermographic testing and complex regional pain syndrome, he served three years as Vice President of the American Academy of Thermology.
Join us for this podcast, and learn some surprising answers to these questions:
- How does thermography differ from anatomic testing like mammography?
- How new is thermographic imaging technology?
- Is there any research supporting its use?
- What areas of the body can be studied by thermography?
- How accurate is thermography?
- Can thermographic imaging find breast cancer earlier than other tests?
- How many lives are actually saved by annual mammograms?
- Does conventional screening lead to overdiagnosis and unnecessary treatment?
- Can routine mammograms actually increase risk of breast cancer?
- Can thermography be helpful after a cancer diagnosis?
- Is DCIS really cancer?
- What is the likelihood that microcalcifications are problematic?
To learn more about thermographic diagnostic services in Pennsylvania and New Jersey, visit tdinj.com, email tdi@comcast.net, or call 856-596-5834. To learn about thermography resources elsewhere, visit aathermology.org, which lists certified thermologists by state.
Listen now as BeatCancer.org Educational Director Dr. Susan Silberstein interviews Dr. Philip Getson on the role of thermography in early detection and monitoring of breast and thyroid
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